At The University of Baltimore, we provide knowledge that works. Get real-world career preparation and the hands-on experience employers demand at a fraction of the cost of other universities. Pick courses that fit your schedule and create an education tailored to your vision and needs. Welcome to UBalt!


Our brand is how we communicate the invaluable role that we serve in Baltimore and beyond.

At The University of Baltimore, our brand focuses on an authentic and memorable platform that captures the beautiful grit of our city, which is reflected in the drive of our students.

We do so by honoring the resilience of our past, championing the talent that resides here today and shaping the citizens of our future.

As an anchor institution in Charm City, we carry a responsibility to educate and serve our community. This is our city. And we are its University. Together with the strategic plan, this brand will move us into a distinct position in the market.

Our Core Value Proposition:

The University of Baltimore forges engaged citizens of a modern society who are equipped with the knowledge and fortitude to create their own future.

Specifically, this brand helps us:

We’ve developed brand guidelines that ensure we convey a compelling story about UBalt. The principles apply to all of us and to every interaction and piece of communication.

These guidelines are designed to help you make decisions in support of our story. There’s a deeply informed rationale for everything here—every visual and verbal element. You’ll also find information about the thought process that went into creating the brand as well as guidance for making it work. Learn more by perusing these web pages or by downloading a PDF version of our Brand and Visual Identity Guidelines.