Below is information parents and families may find useful about FERPA.
FERPA assigns certain privacy rights regarding their educational records to students who are 18 years of age or older OR are enrolled is post-secondary institutions. In general, this means that students need to give their permission to release information to parents. At the University of Baltimore, the following pieces of information are considered “directory,” or public, information. Directory information can be released to anyone, including parents, without the student’s permission. Students do have the right, however, to prevent the release of even directory information. If students have exercised their right not to have directory information released, the University may not release it to anyone without the student’s permission. Directory information includes the following:
All other information regarding the student is considered private and can be released only with the permission of the students. This included information about courses in which the student is enrolled, grades received, locations of courses, information about academic standing, financial aid information, student account information, etc.