Understanding FERPA

Below is information parents and families may find useful about FERPA.

FERPA assigns certain privacy rights regarding their educational records to students who are 18 years of age or older OR are enrolled is post-secondary institutions. In general, this means that students need to give their permission to release information to parents. At the University of Baltimore, the following pieces of information are considered “directory,” or public, information. Directory information can be released to anyone, including parents, without the student’s permission. Students do have the right, however, to prevent the release of even directory information. If students have exercised their right not to have directory information released, the University may not release it to anyone without the student’s permission. Directory information includes the following:

  • Student's name
  • Campus email
  • Degree sought and time
  • Major/minor fields of study
  • College of major and year (freshman, sophomore, etc.)
  • Enrollment status (full-time/part-time) including credit hours
  • Dates of attendance
  • Degrees, awards and honors conferred
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • The most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student
  • Fraternity/sorority and honor societies

All other information regarding the student is considered private and can be released only with the permission of the students. This included information about courses in which the student is enrolled, grades received, locations of courses, information about academic standing, financial aid information, student account information, etc.

Things such as progress reports, scores and grades on papers and exams and class grades are all examples of personally identifiable information that make up part of a student’s educational record. This information is protected under FERPA and parents may not have access unless the student has provided written authorization that specifically identifies what information may be released to the parent(s). Grades are not mailed to students but are available online on the MyUB, the university’s web information system. The system is password protected so only the student is able to access their own grades and other information.
Students may contact the Records (Academic Center, Room 126) or the Dean of Students Office (Academic Center, Room 112) to obtain a form requesting release of information to parents. We encourage you to have a discussion with your student about what information you would like to share during the course of the academic year and encourage him or her, with your support to be responsible for taking care of matters at school.
Enrollment verifications for employers and/or insurance companies can be obtained in the Records Office, Academic Center 126. The student may pick up the completed verification form or have it mailed to the parent, employer or insurance company.
Students’ transcripts are considered private under FERPA. Therefore, only the student can request that we send transcripts to another person. UBalt requires a signature to release a transcript. Transcripts can be obtained by using the “transcript request’ form available at the Records Office website ( or by letter. Alternatively, the student may fax the transcript request form or a letter to us at 410.837.4820 or mail it to the Records Office, University of Baltimore, 1420 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201.
In non-directory information is needed to resolve a crisis or emergency situation, an educational institution may release that information if the institution determines that the information is “necessary to protect the health and safety of the student or other individuals.” In the case of an emergency, contact the Public Safety Office at 410.837.5520 or the Dean of Students at 410.837.4755.