Faculty/Staff ProfileTitle

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Professor of Economics


Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
M.A., University of Pittsburgh
B.A., University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Gerlowski is a professor of economics and has been a faculty member since 1987. He has served the Merrick School in a number of capacities including as associate dean and interim dean.

Intellectual Contributions

Refereed Journal Articles

Gaynor, G., Wynne, K., Zhang, T., Gerlowski, D. A., & Morse, J. N. (2024). Online Proctoring Discount: The Role of Measured Stressors. Journal of Economic Education.

Zhang, T., Gerlowski, D. A., & Acs, Z. J. (2022). Working from home: small business performance and the COVID-19 pandemic. Small Business Economics. 58(2),

Zhang, T., Stough, R., & Gerlowski, D. A. (2022). Digital Exposure, Age, and Entrepreneurship. Annals of Regional Science. 69. 633–681.


Gerlowski, D. A., Zhang, T., & Kang, Y. Invited (Costs Covered) by University of St. Louis, College of Business Administration, Dr. Hung-Gay Fung, "Three Social Stressors of Post-Vaccination Anxiety and Depression During COVID-19 Pandemic," University of St. Louis, College of Business Administration, St. Louis, MO. (2024).

Zhang, T., Kang, Y., & Gerlowski, D. A. Western Economic Association International Annual Conference, "Post-COVID-19-Vaccination Anxiety and Depression: The Social Factors," Western Economic Association, Vritual. (2022).

Zhang, T., Kang, Y., & Gerlowski, D. A. Western Economic Association International Annual Conference, "Post-COVID-19-Vaccination Anxiety and Depression: The Social Factors," Western Economic Association, Vritual. (2022).

Zhang, T., Kang, Y., & Gerlowski, D. A. Chinese Economic Society Annual Meeting, "Post-COVID-19-Vaccination Anxiety versus Depression: The Social Factors," Chinese Economic Society, VIrtual. (2022).

Gerlowski, D. A., Morse, J. N., Zhang, T., & Wynne, K. Thirty-third Annual Teaching Economics Conference,, "Online Proctoring Discount," sponsored by Robert Morris University, Pittsburgh - Virtual. (2022).

Zhang, T., Gerlowski, D. A., & Acs, Z. J. Western Economic Association Virtual International Conference, "Small Business and the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Work from Home," Western Economic Association, Virtual. (2021).

Gerlowski, D. A., & Demarest, M. ICAI Mid-Atlantic Regional Convening, "Student Perceptions, Proctoring, Performance," ICAI, UMGC - Virtual. (2021).

Gerlowski, D. A., Demarest, M., & Caraco, C. Sixth Annual ICAI Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, "Online Exam Proctoring: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly," International Center for Academic Integrity, UMGC, Virtual. (2021).

Gerlowski, D. A., & Zhang, T. Economic Effects of the COVID-19 2020 Pandemic on Entrepreneurship and Small Firms, "’Economic Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Entrepreneurship," Small Business Economics, zoom. (2020).

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Zhang, Ting (Principal), Gerlowski, Daniel A., "Does COVID-19 Make Teleworking a New Normal?" Sponsored by University of Baltimore, Merrick School of Business, Local, $6000. (2020 - 2021).

Media Contributions

UB Magazine: For the UB magazine I was interviewed about the movement to the virtual classroom. That story appears here https://ubalt-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/ntsbgerl_ubalt_edu/Edqopt7bnHNMrxzJglt4Lm8ByRp3YT1fZCT2vxiv6CQIPA?e=mx0Nc5 made aware of it on 12/1/20 (2020).

Research in Progress

"An Alternate State in Mind: An Analysis of In-State vs. Out-of-State CPA Exam Candidates and their Effect on State-Level Exam Pass Rates" (Writing Results)
Using the test center location of CPA candidates, we analyze the pass rates of U.S. jurisdictions regarding the performance of both in-state and out-of-state candidates.

"Online Proctoring Discount: The Role of Measured Stressors"