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Dr. Jessica StansburyPicture of Jessica Stansbury

Director of Teaching & Learning Excellence

Contact Information:

Phone: 410.837.1517

EdD, Towson University  
M.A., Towson University 
B.S., Towson University 
A.A.S, Community College of Baltimore County    

Dr. Jessica A. Stansbury holds a doctorate in Instructional Technology and a Masters in Experimental Psychology, and considers herself a social interactionist at heart. Prior to coming to University of Baltimore, she worked at Johns Hopkins Hospital as an assessment’s specialist, later transitioning to Johns Hopkins University working on substance abuse research. Over the past 15 years, she has served Towson University in various roles including full time faculty in the Psychology Department, adjunct faculty for the Instructional Technology Master’s Program, the Psychology Department’s Virtual Learning Consultant, and Program Director for Psychology Program at Towson University Northeastern Maryland. In her role as faculty, she created and directed the first psychology research Teaching and Gaming Lab (TAG Lab) at Towson University. She has a passion for the scholarship of teaching and learning and has had multiple research presentations, research publications, media appearances and invited presentations regarding her work with video gaming in higher education. She has developed several professional growth workshops in innovative pedagogy and her research focus includes innovative teaching methods, perceptions about teaching and learning and emerging technologies. She currently serves on the Council for Advancement of Teaching and Learning of the Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation as part of the University System of Maryland.