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Division of Administration and Finance (A&F)



Welcome to the UBalt Division of Administration and Finance webpages. We built these pages to serve as your online resource for financial and administrative information.

Our team is dedicated to the success of UBalt -- and to our faculty, staff, students, alumni, and other friends. The roles and functions we fulfil in supporting the UBalt community are wide-ranging. Members of our Division provide leadership and deliver services in the areas of Capital Planning and Campus Operations, Financial Planning and Operations, Human Resources, Technology Services, and Shared Services for A&F and a few other departments.

As you use A&F webpages, please feel encouraged to suggest improvements that we can make to better serve you. 

Meet Our Team

Office of Business Affairs

Barb AughenbaughBarbara Aughenbaugh
Chief Financial Officer and Vice President for Business Affairs


Office of Human Resources

Sally ReedSally Reed
Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer


Office of Administration and Technology

Dave BobartDavid Bobart
Vice President for Administration and Technology/Chief Information Officer