At The University of Baltimore, we provide knowledge that works. Get real-world career preparation and the hands-on experience employers demand at a fraction of the cost of other universities. Pick courses that fit your schedule and create an education tailored to your vision and needs. Welcome to UBalt!

The Office of Technology Services supports software and hardware configurations based on a thorough evaluation for compatibility with UBalt's technology environment. Adherence to the recommended products provides a secure, efficient and cost-effective support model, while also providing a stable computing experience to the community.

If you opt to purchase non-supported products, you are accepting that OTS can neither guarantee the functionality of this purchase nor support its use with other University technology. If a non-supported product is incompatible with supported products, we might not be able to resolve your issue. While you may be able to continue using this product, you or your department will be responsible for all aspects of support through the vendor including any related charges. Further, configuration changes to UBalt-owned computers will not be made to support functionality of non-supported products.

If a non-supported product interferes with the operation of other systems or does not meet the security requirements of the University of Baltimore, it will be blocked from the UBalt network.

Examples of non-supported items:

•             Non UBalt Equipment

•             Non UBalt email systems and account

•             Dual Boot Systems/Local Virtual Machines

•             Software not included in our standard image

•             Web browser experience