At The University of Baltimore, we provide knowledge that works. Get real-world career preparation and the hands-on experience employers demand at a fraction of the cost of other universities. Pick courses that fit your schedule and create an education tailored to your vision and needs. Welcome to UBalt!

The University of Baltimore provides education day and night.

The University of Baltimore is part of the city. Since the University's founding in 1925, Baltimore has been our home. Historically, our mission has addressed a crucial need: We ensure that people everywhere, from the city and around the world, can meet their fullest potential—in their careers, in their contributions to society, and in their deepest passions for life.

To put it simply: UBalt is involved. And in 2017, it is important to understand that our involvement extends to the challenges faced by the city.

"Baltimore is our home," says UBalt President Kurt L. Schmoke. "The University of Baltimore has been an integral part of the life of the city for nearly 100 years. Today, we see serious issues in our communities—some are economic in nature, some are cultural, some are systemic and deeply rooted. While Baltimore has its share of problems, we also have many great solutions. That's where UBalt comes in—our students, faculty, staff and alumni are working hard to strengthen this proud, historic city. From public service to law, from small business to the arts, from the humanities to the hard sciences, UBalt people are making Baltimore better. We embrace this role, and we look forward to continuing in the years ahead."

  • Baltimore's Inner Harbor

    checking the city's vital signs 

    The Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance—part of UBalt's Jacob France Instituteproduces an annual city-wide "check up" called Vital Signs. This data-driven report provides citizens with all kinds of informationit's the perfect starting point for improving neighborhoods, focusing resources, and addressing issues. Learn more.

  • Charles Village, a Baltimore neighborhood

    helping people navigate the legal system

    UBalt and the Baltimore City District Court are conducting a pilot project to provide unrepresented people with "court navigators." Court navigators are undergraduate, graduate and law students who are trained to help the unrepresented get through the steps of the court processspecifically, landlord/tenant disputes. Learn more.

  • Center for Families, Children and the Courts logo

    addressing the root causes of truancy

    The Center for Families, Children and the Court's Truancy Court Program is an innovative, early intervention and holistic approach to truant behavior that addresses the root causes of truancy. The program, strictly voluntary on the part of students and their families, gathers together the right people to help determine why a young person is consistently missing school. Learn more.

  • Student entrepreneur works with 3D printer

    Supporting entrepreneurs and local business

    UBalt has taken an aggressive stance in boosting the fortunes of local entrepreneurs. Our academic programming in entrepreneurship, along with the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and our specially-selected Entrepreneurial Fellows, all work in support of entrepreneurial learning among students, alumni and faculty. The result? New companies. New jobs. New growth. More opportunities! Learn more.

  • emily

    stemming the toll of drugs and violence

    UBalt's Center for Drug Policy and Enforcement brings together policy experts, advocates and scholars dedicated to scientific research and best practices for stopping the proliferation of drugs and violence in our communities. Learn more.

Here's a sampling of UBalt's contributions to the life of the city:

College of Public Affairs

Merrick School of Business

School of Law

Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences