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UB's Council on Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity

Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity at the University of Baltimore

The University of Baltimore is home to a vibrant community of scholars who regularly engage in research, scholarship, and creative activity. Our faculty actively publish their research in leading journals, serve on editorial boards, and engage in applied research where they apply the theories they teach in the classroom to address contemporary issues.

Our research centers bring the academic expertise of our university community to bear in solving challenges facing public, private, and nonprofit organizations. These organizations rely on the talents of UBalt faculty, students, staff and external partners to conduct research on and offer solutions to some of society's most pressing issues. Several present our students with their first real-life experiences in the careers for which they are preparing, through fellowships, internships and more. All are closely linked to the University's schools and colleges, ensuring that what is taught in the classroom can be linked to what is happening in Baltimore, the mid-Atlantic and beyond.

Our students have a variety of opportunities to engage in scholarship, research, and creative activity as part of their classroom experience, undergraduate research experiences, graduate assistantships, internships, study abroad experiences, and community engagement projects.

We encourage you to explore research, scholarship, and creative activity at UBalt.

The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) is the office of record for all grants and contracts between external sponsors of academic projects and University faculty and staff. The University of Baltimore has a portfolio of about $6-8 million per year in grants and contracts from federal, state and private funding agencies. In addition, OSR manages the UB Foundation Fund for Excellence program ($325,000 per year) and other internal grant programs. Finally, OSR also coordinates the operations of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to review and approve research with human subjects. The level of service currently offered to academic and business units varies greatly from very limited oversight to performance of all functions and transactions from "cradle to grave."

For OSR Contact Information click here

The primary purpose of the University of Baltimore's Institutional Review Board is to assure the protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects, that is, those who volunteer to participate in any kind of research study or survey conducted by UBalt investigators. This includes the protection of private and/or confidential information, which the individual can reasonably expect will not be made public without their consent. Special considerations and additional protections are considered when the research involves vulnerable populations, such as prisoners, children, pregnant women, human fetuses and the cognitively impaired.

All research (including student research) involving human subjects must be reviewed by the Institutional Review Board.

Visit the Institutional Review Board page for IRB documents and forms, access to online training for the responsible conduct of research, IRB submission guidelines and timelines, and a list of current IRB members.

Questions regarding the IRB process should be addressed to the IRB Coordinator at

The University of Baltimore includes four externally funded research centers:

The Schaefer Center for Public Policy in the College of Public Affairs

The Jacob France Institute in the Merrick School of Business

The Sayra and Neil Meyerhoff Center for Families, Children and the Courts in the School of Law

The Center for Drug Policy and Prevention in the College of Public Affairs.

RED Talks (Research Engagement Day) offer an opportunity for faculty and graduate students to share their research with the UBalt Community through highly-focused five-minute presentations. Presented by Robert L. Bogomolny Library.

Inspired Discoveries is a collaboration of Robert L. Bogomolny Library, theHelen P. Denit Honors Program, the Office of Sponsored Research and the Office of the Provost. These symposia are part of an ongoing effort to recognize and encourage undergraduate research and other academic achievements.

At the University of Baltimore, there are a number of ways for faculty and staff to promote their research and scholarship:

Use one of UBalt’s institutional repositories:

Knowledgeworks@UB is a platform for publications and other types of digital files created by members of the UBalt community. Learn how to submit your work.

Scholarworks@UB School of Law showcases the vibrant scholarly contributions of the University of Baltimore School of Law community. Contact Harvey Morrell for more information about adding your scholarship to ScholarWorks.

Place your work in a disciplinary repository.

Create a Google Scholar profile.

Upload your work to a commercial academic network:

Note that all of the websites below are run by private companies, although joining is free at the present time. These sites provide a platform for researchers to upload their work as well as to connect with others in their discipline.




Discover a publisher's copyright and self-archiving policies:

Note that posting some version of articles published in most scholarly journals in any of the above sites is regarded as acceptable by most publishers. Top quickly find the copyright and self-archiving policies for a specific journal, search the Sherpa/Romeo website.

Measuring the impact of your work:

Investigate metrics that measure the impact of your work.

Support from Your School or College

The four schools and colleges of the University of Baltimore have internal processes for faculty to obtain travel funding to attend conferences during the calendar year. Each school provides clarity with regard to deadlines, policies, and priorities for funding.

Additional opportunities are available to faculty as part of the summer grants program. These grants also are managed from the colleges and the schools.

Support from the University of Baltimore Foundation

The University of Baltimore Foundation provides grants to support faculty initiatives. Information on these opportunities will be posted here as they become available.

External Funding Sources

The Office of Sponsored Research is available to help faculty members prepare and submit external grant requests.  You may contact the Office of Sponsored Research to discuss funding for your research or explore available opportunities on your with the resources listed on the OSR website.


Scholarships may be available for students via honor societies:

The Helen P. Denit Honors Society (University of Baltimore Honor Society) offers financial awards.

The International Honor Society in Psychology (Psi Chi)

Organizations may be available for co-sponsorship with the Student Government Association. Arrangements cannot include travel, per se but per diem, conference fees and hotel expenses are eligible for submission. Learn more.

Turner Research and Travel Awards:

The University offers funds to support student travel and research related to academic work at the University of Baltimore. All UBalt students who are Honors students or otherwise intellectually inquisitive and engaged in (or planning) an exceptional academic activity are eligible.

Undergraduate and graduate business, liberal arts, and law students may apply for funds to support travel to academic and professional conferences, specialized study and learning programs, as well as travel to special collections and locations which enable the student to do primary research.