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What's new in Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity at UBalt


UB Foundation Fund for Excellence Grants Program
Turner Research and Travel Awards 
Research Engagement Day "RED Talks"


The University of Baltimore Council on Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (Research Council) is a committee of the University Faculty Senate. Its mission is to support and enhance UBalt's institutional capacity to undertake research, scholarly and creative activity. The committee does this by making recommendations, via the University Faculty Senate to UBalt administration on all matters pertaining to research, scholarly and creative activity to support the University’s mission. These recommendations are intended to foster a more productive research environment on campus.

Please contact the chair or other members of the council if you have an issue, concern, or potential initiate that you would like to bring to the council’s attention.

The Research Council is charged to:

a. Review and recommend policies with respect to the operation of research, scholarship and creative activity at UBalt.

b. Review and recommend policies with regard to administration of sponsored research at UBalt.

c. Promote policies and programs that promote a quality research climate and environment.

d. Serve as a forum for discussion of research issues or systematic problems in need of amelioration

e. Provide voice to the campus administration on matters involving administrative or academic affairs affecting the quality of research.

f. Carry out periodic reviews of UBalt centers and institutes to ensure the academic quality and value to the University.

g. Receive reports from UBalt administration and research committees, including issues of University compliance with federal and state regulations.

h. Serve as a forum to discuss administrative charges or mechanisms in areas associated with research, scholarship, and creative activity on campus.

i. Provide a venue to address unforeseen issues that may have an impact on research, scholarship and creative activity on campus.

j. Serve as a campus-wide arena to explore future issues, priorities, and directions in the area of research, scholarship and creative activity.

k. Report to the University Faculty Senate semi-annually or as requested.

Meeting Schedule (All meetings are held virtually)

2023-2024 Academic Year

Monday – January 29               1:00pm                  

Monday – February 26              1:00pm 

Monday – March 25                  1:00pm 

Monday – April 22                     1:00pm 

Monday – May 20 (tentative)     1:00pm 


Contact the chair or other members of the council if you have an issue, concern, or potential initiative that you would like to bring to the council's attention.

Nusta Ko, Associate Professor, School of Public and International Affairs

Yu (Sunny) Kang,  Associate Professor, School of Health and Human Services

Michael Frederick, Assistant Professor, Applied and Behavioral Sciences

Lauren Smedley, Lecturer, Klein Family School of Communications Design

Amir Pezeshkan, Associate Professor, Management and International Business

Hoang Nguyen, Associate Professor, Accounting, Finance and Economics

Charles Pipins, Interim Director, Law Library

Audrey McFarlane, Professor Law, University of Baltimore School of Law

Deborah Li, Digital Resources Librarian, Robert L. Bogomolny Library

Michael Shochet, Interim Dean, Robert L. Bogomolny Library

Ann Cotten, Executive Director, Schaefer Center for Public Policy

Amanda Phillips-de Lucas, Director, Baltimore Neighborhoods Indicators Alliance

Jeff Beeson, Executive Director, Center for Drug Policy and Enforcement

Christine Spencer, Dean, Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences

Ifeyinka David, Manager, University Budget Office

David Bobart, VP for Technology and CIO, Office of Technology Services