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As an undergraduate at The University of Baltimore, you have easier, faster, and less expensive routes to law school—if you can meet the requirements described below for Presumptive Admit or Early Entry.
You can be presumptively admitted to The University of Baltimore School of Law following your graduation from UBalt if you:
If you meet these requirements and you’re interested in Presumptive Admit:
Applicants who do not meet these deadlines or the Presumptive Admit requirements will still be reviewed by the UBalt School of Law in the same manner as any other applicants applying for admission to the law school, and will be considered as part of UBalt's rolling admission process.
You can be admitted to the UBalt School of Law even before you get your undergraduate degree from UBalt -- saving you time and money -- if you:
B.S. in Business Administration
B.A. in Philosophy, Law and Ethics
B.A. in Policy, Politics and International Affairs
Note that Early Entry can allow you to finish your undergraduate degree and your law degree in as few as six years. And you will also be able to pay the undergraduate tuition rate for your first fall and spring in law school rather than the higher law school tuition rate -- if, and only if, you are applying for Early Entry as a UBalt undergraduate student who entered UBalt as a freshmen and remained continuously enrolled. Academically qualified students may qualify for an even more attractive institutional aid package; consult with the Office of Financial Aid prior to making any financial decisions.
Speak to your program adviser as soon as possible if you're interested in the Early Entry option. Your adviser can help you make sure that you complete all the requirements for your bachelor's degree and your major, and meet all necessary deadlines. (If you do meet all the requirements and deadlines, your first year of law school will count as the last year of your bachelor's degree program.)
NOTE: To receive your bachelor's degree, you must apply for graduation during the last semester of your first year of law school.