At The University of Baltimore, we provide knowledge that works. Get real-world career preparation and the hands-on experience employers demand at a fraction of the cost of other universities. Pick courses that fit your schedule and create an education tailored to your vision and needs. Welcome to UBalt!
Shortly after you are accepted, you will receive a transfer credit evaluation that determines which of your credits transfer and what requirements are met.
This evaluation is based on the most recent transcript(s) that you provided to the Office of Admission. It is your responsibility to submit official transcripts from all institutions you previously attended. If you're currently enrolled at another institution, please submit an updated transcript upon completion of all coursework. A final transcript evaluation will be sent to you once all transcripts have been received and credits awarded.
100-200: Lower-Level Course
300-400: Upper-Level Course
TR: Transfer Course
The total number of credits transferred depends on the type of institution(s) you attended. UBalt transfers:
No more than 90 total credits may be transferred. The last 30 credits of your degree
must be taken at UBalt.
Please review your evaluation to ensure the Office of Admission have received transcripts
from all schools you attended. If they have not been received (that is, do not appear
on your transfer evaluation or are pending), please contact those institutions that
have not yet sent transcripts and do what is necessary to have those transcripts sent
to the Office of Admission at UBalt. Remember, they must be official, sealed transcripts.
Remember that your evaluation is not complete until the Office of Admission has received
all of your official transcripts.
If you have questions or need assistance in understanding your document, please contact the Office of Admission at 410.837.4777 or