At The University of Baltimore, we provide knowledge that works. Get real-world career preparation and the hands-on experience employers demand at a fraction of the cost of other universities. Pick courses that fit your schedule and create an education tailored to your vision and needs. Welcome to UBalt!

The University of Baltimore is committed to meet its obligations as outlined in the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 and in other reporting requirements.

Reports and information are available in the following areas:

Information, Content and Technology

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act, enacted in 1998, updated copyright law to encompass the growing use of computers and the Internet.

Pursuant to the Act, The University of Baltimore has designated the following agent for notification of copyright infringement claims:

David Matchen
University of Baltimore Law Library
1401 North Charles Street
Baltimore,  MD  21201
Phone: 410.837.4674

Student Financial Aid and Services


To review or obtain copies of The University of Baltimore's disclosable public records, an applicant must make a written request under Maryland's Public Information Act ("MPIA"). The PIA is accessible through the Maryland State Law Library at, General Provisions Article, §§4-101 through 4-601, of the Annotated Code of Maryland.

To Submit a Request

For Electronic Requests

Please submit this electronic form.

For U.S. Mail Requests

To make your request by mail, you must provide the following:

  • Name
  • U.S. street address
  • City, State
  • ZIP code
  • Specify the records that you are requesting
  • Telephone number
  • Email address

Black and white copies of requested material may be obtained for $0.14 per page.

Please mail your request to:
Office of Government Relations
Attention: Suzanne Tabor
Public Information Request
University of Baltimore
1420 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, Md. 21201

Public Information Contact
Suzanne Tabor
Office of Government Relations
University of Baltimore
1420 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, Md. 21201

The University of Baltimore is committed to creating a campus that is safe from sexual misconduct, including sexual and gender-based harassment, sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual exploitation and sexual intimidation.

University of Baltimore Title IX Coordinator
Suzanne Tabor
Executive Director of Government Relations
Academic Center, Room 114D
1420 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, Md. 21201

Sexual Misconduct and Nondiscrimination Policy

Sexual Misconduct and Nondiscrimination Webpage

You can access University of Baltimore policies in the UBalt Policy Guide.