At The University of Baltimore, we provide knowledge that works. Get real-world career preparation and the hands-on experience employers demand at a fraction of the cost of other universities. Pick courses that fit your schedule and create an education tailored to your vision and needs. Welcome to UBalt!
Below are just a few of the many topics covered in the Student Handbook.
Class attendance is a primary obligation of every student. The right to continued enrollment in the course and to take the examination is conditional upon a record of attendance that is satisfactory to the professor. A student who exceeds the maximum allowable absences may be compelled to withdraw from the course, or may be barred from sitting for the final exam. For more information about attendance, please see the Student Handbook.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 guarantee equal access to programs and services to those with disabilities. In order to be a qualified individual subject to the protections of these Acts, a person must demonstrate that he or she has a disability that substantially limits a major life activity (e.g., seeing, hearing, walking, breathing, performing manual tasks, learning, caring for oneself, and working) and, as such, requires a reasonable accommodation in order to have equal access. This section of the Law School’s catalog explains a student’s rights and responsibilities in seeking to receive accommodations from the Law School because of a disability. The process and procedures outlined here apply to seeking Law School classroom accommodations, exam accommodations, and accommodations related to accessing the University’s facilities.
For more information about reasonable accommodations, please see the section Reasonable Accommodations due to Qualifying Disability in our Student Handbook
For more information about exams, please see the Student Handbook.
Blind ID Numbers: Students are expected to be prepared for regular exams in the School of Law. Each
student is identified by a confidential exam number, which the student obtains through
My UBalt before each final exam period (Midterm blind ID numbers are emailed to students.)
Exam numbers are randomly generated and are assigned to the student for one semester.
Students are given a different exam number each semester.
Exam Schedule: The exam schedule is available on the home page of the law school website under the "Current Students" tab.
Exam Conflicts and Emergencies: Students who have a conflict in their exam schedule may request a deferral by submitting an exam deferral request form. Deferrals are granted in accordance with the exam deferral policy. Emergency deferrals may be granted at the discretion of the Associate Dean.
In the Exam room: It is very important to arrive early in the designated exam room. You will need
time to log into the exam software, sign the attendance sheet and get yourself settled.
The proctor will begin exam instructions about 5-10 minutes before the designated
start time so that the exam itself can start on time. The proctor will discuss any
issues pertaining to computer usage, the School of Law's Honor Code, as well as what
to do if problems arise during the exam.
Registration dates are set forth in the School of Law Calendar. Registration is administered by the Office of Academic Affairs in coordination with the Registrar of the University of Baltimore.
There are several different mechanisms for evaluating a student's work, including examinations, classroom participation, papers, and performance in a clinical or simulation course. For all of these, students have the right to a grade that is based on their actual course performance as compared to an articulated standard applied to all those taking the course. Grading, however, is not and cannot be an exact science. The rights under this policy, therefore, are limited to ensuring that students receive the faculty member's good faith evaluation of their work. Moreover, in order for the protection of anonymous grading to be meaningful, students do not have the right to negotiate with a faculty member for a higher grade once an examination has been graded. For more information about the grade appeal process, please see the Grade Appeal Rules and Procedures
Students can obtain forms for exam deferrals, appealing a grade, receiving a letter of good standing, and requesting an official recognition of a concentration by logging in to MyUB.
University-wide policies may be found here.
Please keep in mind that all academic, student and financial policies and regulations, as well as individual programs, courses, and standards are subject to change at any time during the year. Students are advised by way of this notice that such changes may affect their program requirements, degree status, tuition, fees and financial aid, and any other aspect of their enrollment at the University of Baltimore. The University notifies students of such changes through the University of Baltimore email system.
This website is not, therefore, to be considered a contract between the student and the University. Each student at the University of Baltimore is personally responsible for his or her academic progress, and all are urged to read carefully this document and all University academic publications and correspondence, and to consult regularly with appropriate University personnel for additional information.