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Also explore resources from and information about CFCC’s annual Urban Child Symposium.
Two-day training (with AFCC): Debra K. Carter, PhD, “Parenting Coordination," December 2–3, 2019
Two-day training (with AFCC): Philip M. Stahl, PhD, ABPP (Forensic), “Critical Issues in Child Custody: To Share
or not to Share?” December 4–5, 2019
Two-day training (with AFCC): Mindy Mitnick, MA, EdM, “Parenting Coordination," December 3–4, 2018
Two-day training (with AFCC): Robin Deutsch, PhD, “Advanced Issues in Child Custody,” December 6–7, 2018
Workshop at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference: CFCC Founding Director and Professor Emerita Barbara Babb, CFCC Senior Fellow Gloria
Danziger, The Honorable Yvette Bryant (Baltimore City Circuit Court) and CFCC Attorney
Katherine Davis, "The Truancy Court Program: Family Court Judges Using a Trauma-Informed
Approach," June 2018
Two-day training (with AFCC): Debra K. Carter, PhD, “Parenting Coordination: Essential Tools for Conflict Resolution,"
December 4–5, 2017
Two-day training (with AFCC): David A. Martindale, PhD, ABPP, “Advanced Topics for Custody Evaluators: Interviewing,
Report Writing and Testifying,” December 6–7, 2018
Full-day workshop on truancy for the UMBC Choice Program, November 8, 2017
State Farm Insurance Good Neighbor Citizenship Program on Financial Literacy Workshops
for Truancy Court Program Schools: developed by CFCC Student Fellows, with presentations by State Farm agents, “Financial
Literacy Skills,” “Higher Education Opportunities and Affording College,” “Job Skills
and the College Admission Process,” November 2017
Truancy Court Program workshop for the State of Maryland’s Task Force to Combat Habitual Truancy, September 13,
Trauma-Informed Care Practices training workshop featuring Frank Kros, MSW, JD, president of The Upside Down Organization, funded
by the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention, June 28, 2017
Truancy Court Program Principals’ Workshop: Frank Kros, MSW, JD, “Childhood Trauma: A Workshop on the Impact of Trauma on School
Attendance,” June 6, 2016
Workshop at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference: CFCC Founding Director and Professor Emerita Barbara Babb, CFCC Senior Fellow Gloria
Danziger, Risa J. Garon (Founder and Director of the National Family Resiliency Center)
and The Honorable Cathy H. Serrette (Circuit Court for Prince George’s County), “How
Unified Family Courts Provide a Framework for an Interdisciplinary Service-oriented
Approach to High-Conflict Custody Cases,” June 2017
Two-day training (with AFCC): California Superior Court Judge Peggy Fulton Hora (ret.), President of the Justice
Speakers Institute, LLC, and Steve Hanson, Manager of the Children & Families Section
at the Ohio Supreme Court (ret.), “Alcohol and Other Drugs: It’s a Family Affair,"
December 5–6, 2016
Two-day training (with AFCC): Robin Deutsch, PhD, ABPP, “Managing Intractable Issues in Child Custody Disputes,”
December 7–8, 2016
State Farm Insurance Good Neighbor Citizenship Program on Financial Literacy Workshops
for Truancy Court Program Schools: developed by CFCC Student Fellows, with presentations by State Farm agents, “Financial
Literacy Skills,” “Higher Education Opportunities and Affording College,” “Job Skills
and the College Admission Process,” November 2016
Co-hosted the Maryland Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts’
2nd Annual Chapter Meeting and Educational Seminar: “There’s Gotta Be Another Way,” October 6, 2016
Training workshops for the UMBC Choice Program on the root causes of truancy, July and August 2016
Workshop at the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Annual Conference:
CFCC Founding Director and Professor Emerita Barbara Babb, and CFCC Senior Fellow
Gloria Danziger, “CFCC’s Truancy Court Program,” July 17–20, 2016
Workshop at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference: CFCC Founding Director and Professor Emerita Barbara Babb, Maryland Circuit Court
Judge Cathy Serrette and CFCC Senior Fellow Gloria Danziger, “Substance Abuse and
Addiction in Family Courts: What Judges, Lawyers and Court Personnel Should Know,”
June 2016
Truancy Court Program Principals’ Workshop: “A Truancy Court Program for Baltimore City: Positive Results for Children, Families,
Schools and Communities,” May 25, 2016
Presentation at the 2016 Conference on Clinical Legal Education: CFCC Founding Director and Professor Emerita Barbara Babb, and CFCC Senior Fellow
Gloria Danziger, “A Law School’s Truancy Court Program: Re-Routing the School-to-Prison
Pipeline,” May 1, 2016
Two-day training (with AFCC): Debra K. Carter, PhD, “Construction of an Effective Parenting Coordination Process:
Structure, Tools and Techniques," November 30–December 1, 2015
Two-day training (with AFCC): Philip M. Stahl, PhD, ABPP (Forensic), “Complex Issues in Family Law and Child Custody,”
December 2–3, 2015
State Farm Insurance Good Neighbor Citizenship Program on Financial Literacy Workshops
for Truancy Court Program Schools: developed by CFCC Student Fellows, with presentations by State Farm agents David
Rosario, John Buggs and Tom Benisch, “Financial Literacy Skills,” “Higher Education
Opportunities and Affording College,” “Job Skills and the College Admission Process,”
November 2015
Interdisciplinary conference co-hosted with the National Family Resiliency Center:
“Family Transitions: Issues, Solutions and Policies,” with Keynotes by Dr. Robert
Emery and Delegate Katherine Dumais (Vice-Chair of the Maryland House of Delegates
Judiciary Committee), October 23, 2015
Hosted a symposium with the Maryland Administrative Office of the Courts: “Maryland’s Family Justice System: A Symposium,” with keynote remarks by Maryland
Chief Judge Mary Ellen Barbera, former Chief Judge Robert Bell and Frank Kros, Executive
Vice President of the Children’s Guild of Baltimore City, June 1, 2015
Presentation and workshop at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC)
Annual Conference: CFCC Founding Director and Professor Emerita Barbara Babb, Maryland Circuit Court
Judge Cathy Serrette and CFCC Senior Fellow Gloria Danziger, “Unified Family Courts:
The Door to One-Stop Shopping for Children and Families,” and “Children in the Court
System: Different Doors, Different Responses, Different Outcomes,” May 27–30, 2015
Two-day training (with AFCC): David A. Martindale, PhD, ABPP, “The Model Standards and Beyond: Custody Evaluations
and Risk Management,” December 8–9, 2014
Two-day training (with AFCC): Mindy F. Mitnick, EdM, MA, “Parenting Coordination: Strategies for Helping Parents
Improve Communication and Reduce Conflict,” December 10–11, 2014
State Farm Insurance Good Neighbor Citizenship Program on Financial Literacy Workshops
for Truancy Court Program Schools: developed by CFCC Student Fellows, with presentations by State Farm agents, “Financial
Literacy Skills,” “Higher Education Opportunities and Affording College,” “Job Skills
and the College Admission Process,” November 2014
Truancy Court Program Principals’ Workshop with presentations by Dr. Beshon Trusty-Smith, Manager, Baltimore City Public Schools
Office of Attendance and Truancy, school administrators from TCP schools and TCP judges,
June 25, 2014
Presentation at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) Annual Conference:
CFCC Founding Director and Professor Emerita Barbara Babb, and CFCC Senior Fellow
Gloria Danziger, “Many Shades of Gray: How to Identify Benchmarks for Your Family
Court,” May 28–31, 2014
Two-day training (with AFCC): Debra K. Carter, PhD, “Transforming Family Dynamics: Fundamentals of Parenting Coordination,"
December 4–5, 2013
Two-day training (with AFCC): David Martindale, PhD, ABPP, "The Model Standards and Beyond: Custody Evaluations
and Risk Management," December 2–3, 2013
Family Law Trainings (with the Maryland Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial
Lawyers): "Family Law 101," September 20 and October 4, 2013
Truancy Court Program Principals’ Workshop with opening remarks by Dr. Beshon Trusty-Smith, Manager, Baltimore City Public Schools
Office of Attendance and Truancy, June 24, 2013
Presentation at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) Annual Conference:
CFCC Founding Director and Professor Emerita Barbara Babb, “Catching the Wave: Family
Courts Engage with Transformative Change,” Friday, May 31, 2013
Two-day training (with AFCC): Christine A. Coates, MEd, JD, “Parenting Coordination: Working with High Conflict
Families," December 5–6, 2012
Two-day training (with AFCC): Mindy Mitnick, EdM, MA, “Intractable Issues in Child Custody Disputes," December
3–4, 2012
State Farm Insurance Good Neighbor Citizenship Program on Financial Literacy Workshops
for Truancy Court Program Schools: developed by CFCC Student Fellows, with presentations by State Farm agents, “Financial
Literacy Skills,” “Higher Education Opportunities and Affording College,” “Job Skills
and the College Admission Process,” November 2014
Family Law Trainings (with the Maryland Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial
Lawyers): "Family Law 101," September 21 and 28, 2012
Presentation at the Bruce J. Winick Fall Colloquium hosted by the University of Miami
School of Law: CFCC Founding Director and Professor Emerita Babb, “Standards in the Problem Solving
Courts,” October 5, 2012
Presentation at the National Leadership Summit on School-Justice Partnerships: CFCC Founding Director and Professor Emerita Barbara Babb, “Truancy - School Engagement
and Re-engagement,” March 12, 2012
Two-day training (with AFCC): William A. Eddy, LCSW, Esq., “Managing Personality-Disordered Parents,” December
5–6, 2011
Two-day training (with AFCC): Barbara Jo Fidler, Ph.D., Acc.FM, “Children and Divorce: The Voice of the Child and
Interventions - When Children Resist Parental Contact,” December 7–8, 2011
Plenary session and presentation at the American Bar Association Section of Family
Law Continuing Legal Education Conference: CFCC Founding Director and Professor Emerita Barbara Babb, moderated the plenary
session, “Promising Practices in Family Law Cases,” October 28, 2011
Truancy Court Program Principals’ Workshop: “A Truancy Court Program for Baltimore City: Positive Results for Children, Families,
Schools and Communities,” June 20, 2011
Co-Sponsored a one-day symposium celebrating Maryland Legal Aid’s Centennial: “Advancing Human Rights and Justice for All,” with keynote by Wade Henderson, President
and CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, April 28, 2011
CFCC/Snyder Center for Litigation Skills Lecture celebrating CFCC’s 10th Anniversary, delivered by California Superior Court Judge Peggy Fulton Hora (ret.), President
of the Justice Speakers Institute, LLC, and Professor David Wexler, University of
Arizona and University of Puerto Rico Schools of Law, March 3, 2011
Two-day training (with AFCC): Robin M. Deutsch, PhD, “Parenting Coordination: Working with High-Conflict Families,”
December 6–7, 2010
Two-day training (with AFCC): Matthew J. Sullivan, PhD, “Parenting Coordination: Advanced Practice Issues,” December
8–9, 2010
Truancy Court Program (TCP) Training Workshop for School Teams, August 17, 2010
Co-Sponsored the Families Matter Symposium (with the American Bar Association Section of Family Law and other organizations): with keynote speakers Maryland's Chief Judge Robert M. Bell (ret.) and Georgia's
former Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears (ret.), June 25–26, 2010
Presented at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference:
CFCC Founding Director and Professor Emerita Barbara Babb, and CFCC Senior Fellows
Gloria Danziger and Sharon Rubinstein, “Unified Family Courts: Are They Doing What
We Expect of Them?” June 3, 2010
Workshop at the Association of American Law Schools Conference on Clinical Legal Education: CFCC Founding Director and Professor Emerita Barbara Babb, and CFCC Senior Fellow
Gloria Danziger, “The Development and Implementation of the CFCC Student Fellows Program
(SFP) Curriculum,” May 5, 2010
Two-day training (with AFCC): Joan Kelly, PhD, “Parenting Coordination: Helping High Conflict Parents Resolve Disputes,”
December 7–8, 2009
Two-day training (with AFCC): Mindy Mitnick, EdM, MA, “Advanced Issues in Child Custody: The Child's Perspective,”
December 9–10, 2009
Truancy Court Program presentation at a Severn, Maryland, Town Hall Meeting convened by Beyond the Boundaries: TCP Manager Leigh Dalton, "The Truancy Court Program:
A Tool to Remove Barriers," November 30, 2009
Stakeholders Meeting for the Anne Arundel County Truancy Court Program: The TCP Team, CFCC’s program to representatives from the judicial and legal communities,
service providers, schools and agencies, September 2, 2009
Truancy Court Program (TCP) Training Workshop for School Teams, August 20, 2009
Truancy Court Program Principals’ Workshop: “A Truancy Court Program for Baltimore City: Positive Results for Children, Families,
Schools and Communities,” workshop for elementary and middle schools, June 18, 2009
Presentation at the Maryland Association of Pupil Personnel Spring Conference: “Overview of the Truancy Court Program in Baltimore, Anne Arundel, Prince George’s
and Montgomery Counties,” May 22, 2009
Workshop at the American Bar Association Section of Family Law Spring Continuing Legal
Education Conference: CFCC’s Founding Director and Professor Emerita Barbara Babb, and CFCC Senior Fellow
Gloria Danziger with addiction experts Dr. Stuart Tiegel and Dr. Bernadette Solounias,
“Medical Consequences of Addiction and their Impact on Families and Children,” April
25, 2009
Two-day training (with AFCC): Marsha Kline Pruett, PhD, MSL, “Fathers Parent Differently than Mothers: Implications
for Children and Families, Before, During or After Divorce,” December 10–11, 2008
Two-day training (with AFCC): Christine A. Coates, MEd, JD, “Parenting Coordination: Working with High Conflict
Families,” December 8–9, 2008
Truancy Court Program (TCP) Training Workshop for School Teams, August 21, 2008
Truancy Court Program Principals’ Workshop: “A Truancy Court Program for Baltimore City: Positive Results for Children, Families,
Schools and Communities” for elementary and middle schools, May 22, 2008
Two-day training (with AFCC): Joan B. Kelly, PhD, “Parenting Coordination: Helping High Conflict Parents Resolve
Disputes,” 3–4, 2007
Two-day training (with AFCC): Leslie M. Drozd, PhD, “The Battle Between Abuse and Alienation: Assessment, Diagnosis
and Interventions,” December 5–6, 2007
Truancy Court Program Principals’ Workshop: “A Truancy Court Program for Baltimore City: Positive Results for Children, Families,
Schools and Communities” for elementary and middle schools, June 18, 2007
Two-day training (with AFCC): Marsha Kline Pruett, PhD, MSL, “Father Involvement: From Infant Overnights to Parental
Alienation,” December 4–5, 2006
Two-day training (with AFCC): Robin Deutsch, PhD, “Parenting Coordination: Working with High Conflict Families,”
December 6–7, 2006
Two-day training (with AFCC): Christine A. Coates, MEd, JD, “Parenting Coordination: Helping High Conflict Parents
Resolve Disputes,” December 5–6, 2005
Two-day training (with AFCC): Marsha Kline Pruett, PhD, “Working with Children of Separation and Divorce: Fostering
Healthy Family Transitions December 7–8, 2005
Two-day training (with AFCC): Joan B. Kelly, PhD, “Parenting Coordination: Helping High Conflict Parents Resolve
Disputes,” January 11–12, 2005
Two-day training (with AFCC): Joan B. Kelly, PhD, “Parenting Coordination: Working with High Conflict Parents,”
March 30–31, 2004
Two-day training (with AFCC): Robin Deutsch, PhD, “Child Custody Disputes: Beyond the Basics,” December 6–7, 2004
Two-day training (with AFCC): Phillip M. Stahl, PhD, ABPP (Forensic), “Conducting Child Custody Evaluations,” December
8–9, 2003
Presentation at the Hamilton County (Ohio) Juvenile Court: “Literacy, Truancy, and Substance Abuse: Early Identification and Intervention in
Family Courts” with the American Bar Association's Standing Committee on Substance