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Faculty Publications 2015

Gregory Dolin, Dubious Patent Reform, 56 B.C.L. Rev.

Faculty Publications 2014

Gregory Dolin, Nonprice Competition in 'Substitute' Drugs:  The FTC's Blind Spot, 59 Antitrust Bull. Vol. 59, No. 3

Sean Tu et al., Response to "Pervasive Sequence Patents Cover the Entire Human Genome", 6 Genome Medicine 14  (with Gregory Dolin as co-author)

Gregory Dolin, Speaking of Science: Introducing Notice-and-Comment into the Legislative Process, 2014 Utah L. Rev. 243

William Hubbard, The Debilitating Effect of Exclusive Rights:  Patents and Productive Inefficiency, 66 Fla. L. Rev. 2045

Scott Dodson & Colin Starger, Mapping Supreme Court Doctrine: Civil Pleading, 7 Fed. Ct. L. Rev. 275

Faculty Publications 2013

Gregory Dolin, Exclusivity Without Patents: The New Frontier of FDA Regulation for Genetic Materials, 98 Iowa L.R. 1399

Gregory Dolin, Resolving the Patent-Antitrust Paradox: Promoting Consumer Welfare Through Innovation (White Paper, George Mason University Center for Protection Intellectual Property)

Gregory Dolin, Patents at the Supreme Court: It Could Have Been Worse, 2012-13 CATO Sup. Ct. Rev. 267

Gregory Dolin, Improving Legislation with the Help of Objective Scientific Advice, in Oncofertility Communication:  Sharing Information and Building Relationships Across Disciplines (Teresa K. Woodruff et al. eds., 2)

Eric Easton, Copyright, in Patent, Copyright, Trade Secret, Right of Publicity, Trademark Handbook for Maryland Business and Litigation Lawyers (James B. Astrachan, ed.)

William Hubbard, The Competitive Advantage of Weak Patents, 54 B.C. L. Rev. 1909

William Hubbard, Competitive Patent Law, 65 Fla. L. Rev. 341

Colin Starger, A Visual Guide to United States v. Windsor: Doctrinal Origins of Justice Kennedy’s Majority Opinion, 108 Nw. U. L. Rev. Colloquy 130

Faculty Publications 2012

Gregory Dolin, The Short-Sighted Attack on Patent Eligibility of Healthcare Related Patents, 43 Int’l Rev. Intellectual Prop. & Comp. L. 449

Colin Starger, Expanding Stare Decisis: The Role of Precedent in the Unfolding Dialectic of Brady v. Maryland, 46 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 75

Colin Starger, Exile on Main Street: Competing Traditions and Due Process Dissent, 95 Marq. L. Rev. 1253

Faculty Publications 2011

Gregory Dolin, Reverse Settlements as Patent Invalidity Signals, 24 Harvard J. L. & Tech 281

William Hubbard, Inventing Norms, 44 Conn. L. Rev. 369