At The University of Baltimore, we provide knowledge that works. Get real-world career preparation and the hands-on experience employers demand at a fraction of the cost of other universities. Pick courses that fit your schedule and create an education tailored to your vision and needs. Welcome to UBalt!
Faculty: Professor Janice Shih
The Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic represents low-income taxpayers in federal tax disputes.
Its cases involve administrative controversies before the Internal Revenue Service
and litigation in federal courts. The clinic does not normally prepare tax returns
and does not handle accounting or transactional tax matters.
Under the supervision of a faculty member, student-attorneys are responsible for all
aspects of representing clients, including interviewing and counseling clients, developing
case strategy, engaging in fact investigation and discovery, drafting documents, negotiating
with adversaries, and conducting hearings and trials. Typical student work includes
arguing innocent spouse applications, preparing audit reconsiderations, briefing and
appearing in collection matters (including Collection Due Process hearings and offers
in compromise), and handling cases in Tax Court, including appearing at Tax Court
calendar calls.
Students are expected to devote approximately 20 hours per week to clinic activities,
including a two-hour weekly seminar component and weekly supervision sessions with
the clinic’s director. The clinic is open to evening students. However, students should
be aware that some clinic work, such as speaking with the Internal Revenue Service
or appearing in court and at administrative hearings, must take place during normal
business hours.
Prerequisite: First-year day courses
Co- or prerequisites: Professional Responsibility; Federal Income Tax
Recommended: Interviewing, Negotiating & Counseling; Tax Practice & Procedure
Policies and procedures:
The Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic selects its students through the lottery process.