At The University of Baltimore, we provide knowledge that works. Get real-world career preparation and the hands-on experience employers demand at a fraction of the cost of other universities. Pick courses that fit your schedule and create an education tailored to your vision and needs. Welcome to UBalt!
Welcome to the University of Baltimore Law Library! We are open to the general public and legal community Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm by appointment ONLY. Visitors, including alumni, must email us at to register for access at least 24 hours before your desired appointment. You must include your name, date of proposed visit, and purpose for visit. Our public patrons may use the terminals located on the 7th floor to access the Internet and our databases. If you want to use a personal device to access the Internet, inquire at the Service Desk on the 7th floor for our daily Guest Wireless password. At this time, use of the guest password does not provide access to our databases. There are no word processing programs available on the public computers or via wireless. The Library uses filter technology so some websites may not be accessible at the Law Library. UB Law Library computer labs are reserved for use by current UBalt students, faculty and staff.
Please note that, at present, our public terminals are out of service.
Printing capability is available to faculty, students, and staff at the UBalt Law Library. If you need a copy of library material, you have several options:
If you find it necessary to print, you will need to go to the public library:
Enoch Pratt Free Library 410-396-5430
Baltimore County Public Library 410-887-7255