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Assurance of Learning: M.A. in Global Affairs and Human Security

Mission Statement: The Master of Arts in Global Affairs and Human Security program provides opportunities for students interested in international issues to develop functional skills that will allow them to compete for careers in the non-profit sector and with supra-national organizations. The mission of the program is to expose students to contemporary issues in sustainable development, good governance, transnational problem solving, and the promotion of human security. Students examine the ways that NGOs, supra-national organizations, intergovernmental bodies, and global actors work together to address issues of human well-being, while confronting challenges that are beyond any single government or entity to solve.

Program-Level Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completing the M.A. in Global Affairs and Human Security program:

  1. Students must be able to discuss the interrelationships of globalization, social change, good governance or lack thereof, and insecurity on human development.

  2. Students must be able to develop appropriate program or policy within the context of global governance and international organizations to address contemporary global issues and improve human well-being.

  3. Students must be able to apply theories and concepts of global governance, transnational problem solving, and human security to real world case studies.

  4. Students must be able to work successfully in both management and service delivery within real or simulated non-profit organizations.

  5. Students must be able to evaluate existing programs with non-profit, intergovernmental, and supranational bodies to determine efficacy and address shortcomings.