At The University of Baltimore, we provide knowledge that works. Get real-world career preparation and the hands-on experience employers demand at a fraction of the cost of other universities. Pick courses that fit your schedule and create an education tailored to your vision and needs. Welcome to UBalt!

The University of Baltimore was founded in 1925 as a private institution. Its founders were a group of Baltimore civic leaders who wanted to provide low-cost, part-time evening study in business and law for working adults.


Its first site was at the southeast corner of St. Paul and Mt. Vernon Place with a class of 62 law students and 114 business students.

Today, in a marketplace that competes for business students, UBalt remains steadfast in its career-focused philosophy that has served students for more than 97 years. The School of Business has been an integral part of the history of the University of Baltimore and the surrounding community, and continues to gain momentum as it strives to make excellence accessible to all our ambitious, hard working and resilient business students.

A Snapshot of Excellence at the School of Business



U.S. News & World Report, Best Online Programs Ranking

U.S. News & World Report, Best Colleges Ranking


Baltimore Business Journal 


2015 After nine years of partnering with our sister school Towson University to deliver the MBA, the two universities thought it best to not renew the Memorandum of Understanding for the jointly offered UBalt/Towson MBA. Once the MOU expired, the MBA program reverted back to the University of Baltimore, as UBalt had established the program back in 1972.
2015 U.S. News & World Report awards the undergraduate business program as one of the best in their 2016 rankings.
2012 Established one of the most innovative undergraduate entrepreneurship programs in North America, The Entrepreneurship Fellows Program.


U.S. News & World Report ranks the MBA among best online M.B.A. programs in their 2012 rankings.


M.S. in Taxation Program Ranked in Nation's Top 30 Percent according to


U.S. News & World Report ranks Merrick School of Business among best undergraduate business programs in their 2012 rankings.


U.S. News & World Report ranks the MBA among best  part-time M.B.A. programs in their 2012 rankings.


U.S. News & World Report ranks Merrick School of Business among best undergraduate business programs in their 2011 rankings.


Established the Honors Accounting program to enhance the academic experience for the most talented undergraduate accounting majors.


Formalized the Merrick Internship program.