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The University of Baltimore has an emergency text alert system designed for the campus community. The system is capable of sending emergency messages instantly to all registered mobile devices and email addresses.

Students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to register for this emergency notification system. Once registered, you will be alerted of any emergency on campus regardless of where you are—on, off or en route to campus. Timely warnings for serious or continuing threats will be sent using the University of Maryland Baltimore's decision-making process. Severe weather and traffic alerts may also be communicated through this service. This is the most secure way for the UBalt community to receive notifications critical to your safety and well being.

To sign up for Text Alerts:

  1. Sign into the MyUBalt portal
  2. Under tools, click on the "Campus Text Alert System" icon
  3. You will be redirected to the set up page - follow the instructions
  4. Have your cell phone with you and turned on
    Click here to review detailed sign up instructions.

Users can manage their personal accounts to make updates to their devices or contact information.  

Specific text message verbiage and their respective explanations can be found at TEXT ALERT MESSAGE EXPLANATIONS. The purpose for this standardized language is to provide emergency notification in the shortest time possible containing as much information as can be sent in a limited text message environment.

At least once a semester the system will be tested. The text message you receive during this test will state clearly that it is NOT an actual emergency. Please note, depending on your wireless service agreement a nominal charge may be incurred for receiving text messages.

If you experience any difficulties in setting up your account, please contact the Office of Technology Services at 410-837-6262.