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game room


The Student Center has two game rooms:

1. Game Room South located in the Student Center, Room 007

2. Game Room North located in the Student Center, Room 001

UBalt students as well as faculty/staff can enjoy recreational activities in between their schedules. To enter the game room, students and faculty/staff must swipe at the main door their University of Baltimore Bee Card. To utilize game tables and equipment you can reserve the spaces and equipment in advance via the UBalt portal see instructions below.

UBalt uses VEMS for booking all of the spaces inside of the gaming rooms. Please click here to see how to reserve a space in VEMS.

All equipment must be checked out from Business Center room 131. You will need your Bee Card to check out the equipment. Failure to return equipment will result in a fee being place on your UBalt account.

Please click here for the Game Room polices.

Questions on the Game Room/ reserving a Game Room space please contact the OTS Call Center at or 410-837-6262.