To be eligible to receive a refund, students must officially drop a class before the
first day of the semester.
If you wish to withdraw online via MyUBalt from a course or from the University entirely, you should always confirm the completion
of the withdrawal by reviewing your schedule on your MyUBalt portal.
Failure to attend class(es) does not release a student from their financial obligation
to the university. No credit or tuition refund will be made unless a course is officially
dropped. The computation of any credit or refund is made from the date of the official
drop, and not from the date the student stopped attending class(es). Please note,
fees are not refundable once the semester or session has begun, as noted in the table(s)
Refunds are issued under two methods; paper checks through the State of Maryland and direct
deposit through our institution's contract with Transact Campus.
Direct deposit enrollment instructions are available on our Student Refunds page.