Satisfactory Academic Progress


All students are encouraged to read the entire SAP Policy.  Information on this website has been condensed and only provides highlights of the policy. Adherence to this policy rests with the student.

University of Baltimore is required by federal law to establish specific standards for measuring Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for all students regardless of whether or not financial aid is received. Students must also meet the requirements of the financial aid SAP policy below to be eligible to receive federal, state and institutional financial aid. Scholarships and other awards may also require students to meet this standard.

SAP policies are similar, but not identical, to the University's Academic Standing policies. Students should review both sets of policies and ask for clarification as needed. Questions about financial aid SAP policies should be directed to the Office of Financial Aid. Questions about the university's Academic Standing policies should be directed to the Office of Records and Registration.

Overview of SAP Standards

1. Qualitative Measure (Cumulative GPA)

Undergraduate and law students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (equivalent to a C average). Graduate and APD (LLM) students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0.

2. Quantitative Measure (Rate of Completion)

You must complete at least 67% (as of the Fall 2018 semester) of credit hours attempted each semester to remain compliant with SAP Policy. Credit hour progression will be based on a cumulative total of attempted hours to earned hours. For example, a full-time undergraduate student who attempts 16 credits in a semester must complete at least 12 credits to meet the 67% requirement. Units that are not completed will count toward maximum units attempted toward degree objective.

3. Maximum Time Frame to Complete a Degree

The maximum allowable time frame for receiving aid is equal to 150% of the length of your academic program. For example, if you are pursuing a major that requires 120 credits for graduation, you would reach the maximum time frame at 180 credits attempted.

It is important to understand that a student’s entire academic history must be considered in these standards regardless of whether or not the student received financial aid for previous course work.


Consequences of not meeting SAP

The Office of Financial Aid measures SAP annually. If the student meets all three of the conditions listed above, they remain eligible to receive federal student aid funds in the next semester of enrollment. Otherwise, one of the following SAP status designations will be assigned to the student.


A student on Not Meets is ineligible to receive federal, state, and institutional financial aid until an appeal is approved or all SAP requirements are being met.

Students who are currently on Academic Plan or Probation, have a SAP submissions deadline each semester, if the student does not maintain the terms of Academic Plan or Probation. Be sure to reference the financial aid calendar for all deadlines. Only ONE SAP appeal per SEMESTER will be reviewed.

  • Students can appeal their Not Meets status by completing a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal. The appeal form is available in the Financial Aid Forms section of their MyUBalt portal.
  • Students should provide an explanation of any extenuating circumstances that prevented them from maintaining satisfactory academic progress throughout the semester in question. Supporting documentation regarding the conditions for appealing will be accepted and reviewed.
  • Before an appeal review will be conducted, a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) must be received in our system for the academic award year for which the appeal is being submitted for consideration. 
  • All appeals are reviewed by a Financial Aid SAP committee. The review time for appeals is 14 business days. Students will be notified of the results by email.
  • Submitting an appeal does not guarantee approval. If the appeal is approved, students will be placed on a strict semester-by-semester contract with the Office of Financial Aid. Failure to meet any section of the contract will jeopardize future financial aid eligibility.

Have Questions?

UBalt LAP building

Office of Financial Aid
Office Hours:
  • Virtual (phone, video, and email) 
    Monday - Thursday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
    Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

  • Walk-In Hours (on-campus)
    Monday - Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm
    By appointment only: Monday - Thursday 5:00pm - 6:00pm

Welcome Center
Office of Financial Aid
101 West Mount Royal Avenue
First Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201


Submit Financial Aid Inquiry