The Maryland Tuition Waiver for Homeless Youth and the Maryland Tuition Waiver for Foster Care Recipients waive tuition and mandatory academic fees for eligible students who are pursuing bachelor’s degrees at The University of Baltimore. Waivers are available for all semesters (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer).
Have had a consistent presence in the state for at least one year before enrollment in a public institution of higher education that is documented by school, employment, or other records.
Have been verified as a homeless child or youth, as defined by the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, at any time during the 24 months immediately preceding the student's enrollment in a public institution of higher education or while the student is enrolled in a public institution of higher education.
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Act defines homeless children as “individuals who lack fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.”
Students under the age of 25 who are or were in an out-of-home placement in Maryland by the MD Department of Human Services and who are attending the University of Baltimore are eligible to apply.
When applying, you must have been placed or were in an out-of-home placement by the Maryland Department of Human Services.
For more tuition waiver eligibility information, please see the The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.
In order to qualify for the The Maryland Tuition Waiver for Homeless Youth or the Maryland Tuition Waiver for Foster Care Recipients you must:
You must file the FAFSA or MSFAA each year to receive the waiver for up to an additional four years or until your bachelor’s degree is awarded, whichever occurs first. You must remain enrolled in an eligible academic program.
You must file the FAFSA or MSFAA each year to receive the waiver for up to an additional nine years or until your Bachelor’s degree is awarded, whichever occurs first. You must remain enrolled in an eligible academic program.
For more information on tuition waivers, please visit the Maryland Higher Education Commission's (MHEC) webpages for Foster Care Recipients and Homeless Youth.
Phone: 410.837.4763