
Special Collections

The History of Modern Baltimore Lives Here. 

Special Collections and Archives collects, preserves, and provides access to Baltimore history and university archives collection materials in all formats to support the research needs of students, scholars, and the public. We demonstrate our commitment to the local community by sharing and expanding our unique resources on the history of modern Baltimore.

What am I Searching?
Search ArchivesSpace to explore finding aids and inventories for unique collections in UBalt's Special Collections and Archives, including analog, digital, and audiovisual primary sources.
Digital Exhibits
Archives Hours
Online Services: Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm
Onsite Appointments: Monday-Thursday: 9am to 5pm (Must book 48 hours in advance)

How to Use the Archives

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Digital Exhibits

Explore histories of modern Baltimore and UBalt through unique multimedia collections in the Archives.

We're continually looking for new ways to facilitate access to our collections and to increasingly open the archives to members of the UBalt community, the Baltimore area, and the general public. 



Selections from the Baltimore Studies Archives on modern history, politics, neighborhoods, and culture

Selected records of institutional history with enduring value to the University of Baltimore 

Public access to moving image and audio holdings that document 20th century Baltimore, Maryland