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COVID-19 Grants for University of Baltimore Students

The UBalt Office of Financial Aid and Office of Student Support have partnered with Advancement and External Relations and numerous alumni and supporters to establish a network of resources.



The UBalt CARES/HEERF Grant is provided by the U.S. Department of Education (ED) to support students who have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This funding is available through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF).

University of Baltimore Student Emergency Assistance Fund


The University of Baltimore Student Emergency Assistance Fund was developed by the Offices of Student Support and Financial Aid in partnership with Advancement and External Relations and numerous generous alumni and supporters to establish a network of support for students. This fund helps ensure UBalt students have access to the support and resources they need to successfully recover from the unexpected transition associated with COVID-19 pandemic. The goal is to prevent a small emergency or unexpected expense from derailing a student’s progress towards their degree. COVID-19 has inevitably caused disruption, disappointment, and logistical and financial challenges for our students. This grant is open to all students, including those that do not qualify for the UBalt CARES Act due to federal requirements.

Please visit the COVID-19 Student Information page or contact the Office of Student Support at for additional resources. You may also contact the Office of Student Support for assistance in applying for one of the available grants.

You may contact for additional questions on the CARES Grant or for inquiries about financial aid.