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Thursday, April 11, 2019
(12th Floor Reading Room, University of Baltimore School of Law)
3:30-4 p.m. Registration
4-6:00 p.m. Facilitated Discussion regarding #MeToo: Yesterday, Today,
and Tomorrow
Facilitator: Margaret E. Johnson, Professor of Law and
Center on Applied Feminism, University of Baltimore School
of Law
Friday, April 12, 2019
(Moot Court Room, University of Baltimore School of Law)
8:30-9:00 a.m. Breakfast
9:00-9:15 a.m. Conference Welcome
Dean Ronald Weich, University of Baltimore School of
Matthew Allison, Editor-in-Chief, University of Baltimore
Law Review
Tia Holmes, Symposium Editor, University of Baltimore
Law Review
Conference Opening Remarks
Margaret E. Johnson, Professor of Law and Co-Director,
Center on
Applied Feminism, University of Baltimore School of Law
9:15-10:45 a.m. Panel I: Exploring Comparative Perspectives on #MeToo
Moderator: Nienke Grossman, Professor of Law, University
of Baltimore
School of Law
Indigenizing The #Me Too Campaign: A South African Perspective,
Penelope Andrews, Sabbatical Scholar, Columbia Law School,
Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law, New York Law
#MeToo and the Pursuit of Women’s International Human
Benedetta Faedi Duramy, Professor of Law & Associate Dean for Faculty
Scholarship, Golden Gate University School of Law
Recognizing Rage Surrounding the #MeToo Movement and Differing
Approaches to Address It, Johanna Gusman, Visiting Research
Scholar, Georgetown University Legal Center
Misdirection and Misogyny: Political Deployment of "Women's
Issues" to Justify Nativist Goals, Dina Francesca Haynes,
Professor of Law, New England Law
10:45-11 a.m. Break
11-12:30 p.m. Panel II: Interrogating Intersectional Identities of #MeToo
Moderator: Elizabeth Keyes, Associate Professor of Law,
University of
Baltimore School of Law
Immigrant Women in the Shadow of the #MeToo Movement, Nicole
Hallett, Assistant Clinical Professor of Law, University at Buffalo School
of Law
There Are No Outsiders Here: Rethinking Intersectionality
Hegemonic Discourse in the Age of #MeToo, Teri McMurtry-Chubb,
Professor of Law, Mercer University Law School
Applying Lessons from #MeToo to Abusive Policing, Josephine Ross,
Professor of Law, Howard University School of Law
#WhoAmI? Harm & Remedy for Youth of the #MeToo Era,
Charisa Smith, Associate Professor, City University of New York
School of Law
12:30-2:00 p.m. Lunch Program (12th Floor)
Keynote Speaker: Debra Katz, Founding Partner, Katz, Marshall
Banks, LLP
2-3:30 p.m. Panel III: Tackling #MeToo Inside and Outside the Courtroom
Moderator: Shanta Trivedi, Clinical Teaching Fellow, University
of Baltimore
School of Law
Third Generation Discrimination Part II: An Empirical Analysis
Judicial Decision Making,Catherine Dunham, Professor of Law, Elon
University School of Law and Chris Leupold, Associate Professor of
Psychology and Faculty Fellow for Law and Leadership, Elon
School of Law
#MeToo: The Path from Credibility Discounting to Systemic
Deborah Epstein, Professor of Law and Co-Director, Domestic Violence
Clinic, Georgetown University Law Center
#MeToo, Sexual Harassment and Accountability: Considering the Role
of Restorative Approaches, Julie Goldscheid, Professor of Law,
CUNY Law School
Restorative Justice through Administrative Law: Male Military Sexual
Assault and the Veterans Administration,Elizabeth Tarloski, Staff
Attorney/Adjunct Professor, William and Mary Law School-Lewis
B. Puller Jr.,
Veterans Benefits Clinic
3:30-3:45 p.m. Break
3:45 -5:15 p.m. Panel IV: Exploring #MeToo Relational Dynamics in the Workplace
and Beyond
Moderator: Zina Makar, Clinical Teaching Fellow, University
of Baltimore
School of Law
Sorry Not Sorry, Jamie Abrams, Associate Professor, University of
Louisville Brandeis School of Law
Peer Retaliation in the Post #MeToo Era, Deborah Brake, Professor of
Law and Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development,
of Pittsburgh School of Law
#SororityToo: Breaking the Code of Silence about Relationship
Violence in Collegiate Greek Life, Tanya Cooper, Director, Restoration
and Justice Clinic; Assistant Clinical Professor of Law,
University School of Law
Rethinking Institutional Response to Sexual Harassment
in the Wake
of #MeToo, Joanna Grossman, Ellen K. Solender Endowed Chair in
Women and Law & Professor of Law, SMU Dedman School of
5:15 p.m. Closing Remarks
Michele Gilman, Professor of Law and Co-Director Center
Applied Feminism, University of Baltimore School of Law
This conference is supported in part by CLEA, the Clinical Legal Education Association,