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CFCC collaborates with partner organizations to convene symposia on topics aligned with our core mission and our focus on fostering cross-disciplinary conversations that advance a holistic, therapeutic approach to family law and related disciplines.

CFCC convenes symposia and conferences to foster cross-disciplinary and lived-experience conversations in support of our mission to promote family well-being and to transform systems that create barriers to family well-being. Past events have focused on a wide range of challenges facing families. 

Each year from 2009 to 2019, CFCC convened a multidisciplinary panel of professionals to map some of the most pressing long-term and emerging challenges facing children, their families and their communities—and discuss best practices that offer hope for the future. After a pause in this annual program in 2020, we relaunched the symposium in 2022 under the Name CFCC Symposium. We invite you to browse resources shared in past symposia.

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Topics by Year 

2023 The Harm of Removal to Children, Parents and Communities

2022 Protecting Family Integrity 

2021 Celebrating 20 Years of CFCC 

2019 Housing and the Urban Child: Exploring the Landscape

2018 Restorative Practices and the Urban Child: Rethinking School Discipline

2017 Addiction and the Urban Child

2016 The Education of the Urban Child

2015 Violence and the Urban Child: What Can We Do?

2014 Social Media and the Urban Child: The Effects of the Digital Age

2013 A Holistic Approach to the Urban Child’s Trauma: From the Eyes of the Beholder

2012 The Beginning or the End? The Urban Child’s Experience in the Juvenile Justice System

2011 The Urban Child in the Welfare System: From Fracture to Fix

2010 Health and the Urban Child: Diagnosing Problems and Prescribing Solutions

2009 The Dropout Crisis: Getting the Other Half to Attend and Achieve