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Externships - Bringing the Law to Life

Neha Lall

Neha Lall
Director of Externships
Professor of the Practice

Liz Solar, Assistant Director of Externships and Career Counselor,


The UBalt Law Externship Program engages students in real life experiences with practicing lawyers and judges. In addition to their work in the field, students participate in a course component where they develop professionalism skills necessary to becoming self-directed learners. Through the program, students can explore a particular area of practice and observe different lawyering styles and techniques. Externships promote the development of key competencies such as legal analysis, research and writing, interviewing and counseling, negotiation, policy-making and advocacy.

The UBalt Law Externship Program has special program requirements. Students will focus on identifying specific learning goals and the importance of learning from observation and reflection. Participation in the externship program involves working while taking an externship course.

Employer Information

If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Neha Lall, Director of Externships.

Attorney Practice Externships (year-round)
Public Interest Lawyering Externship (Fall and Spring)
Corporate Counsel Externship (Spring only)
Judicial Externships (Fall and Spring)
Advanced Externship (year-round)



Securing a Position

Externship Curriculum Rules