At The University of Baltimore, we provide knowledge that works. Get real-world career preparation and the hands-on experience employers demand at a fraction of the cost of other universities. Pick courses that fit your schedule and create an education tailored to your vision and needs. Welcome to UBalt!
You will need your Bee Card to access various services and events on campus.
To apply for Textbook or Campus Store Credit, you can do so in your UBalt Portal.
Textbook Credit can only be used ONLINE, in the virtual UBalt Bookstore (powered by MBS Direct). Learn more at
Campus Store Credit is used at the Hive in the Student Center. Campus Store Credit is for School supplies and items needed for school, except textbooks: Examples are pencils and pens, notebooks, Scantron forms, Bluebooks, backpacks, and computers. Funds remain available for approximately the first eight weeks of the semester, and unspent funds will be refunded.
Each semester there is a cut off date to use your bookstore credit. After the cutoff date, you will be issued a refund from the Financial Aid office. If you have questions about a refund from Textbook Credit or Campus Store Credit, contact Financial Aid.
Your Bee Card is used as your parking card. Please see Parking with your Bee Card for ways to use your card to park on campus.
You need your Bee Card to access and ride the UBalt shuttles that travel around campus.
Your Bee Card is your campus library card. Your library number is encoded on a chip inside the card and is printed on the back of the card for easy reference when using certain library services on campus or when using your Bee Card at other University System of Maryland libraries. You may also borrow books through the Baltimore Area Library Consortium (BALC). Please call ahead to these libraries to confirm borrowing privileges.
Your Bee Card provides door access at campus buildings. If your card does not allow access, you may contact for assistance.
If you've been given permission to enter electronically secured doors on campus, you
will use your Bee Card for door access privileges. E-mail the UBalt Police Department or visit the Access Control page for more information.