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Here is another list of additional resources for parents and families. 

Every student is different—and so is their UBalt experience

However, we've seen some common issues that students go through as they complete their degrees. These calendars can help you know what to expect and help you guide your student.


The first year can be a tough one for new college students. Dealing with the adjustments of a new school, new surroundings, new friends and new classes on top of an onset of responsibilities can be somewhat overwhelming. Talking about these issues will be a great benefit to both you and the student. Most importantly, remember that this is a learning experience and that mistakes can be fixed!


Issue: Anxiety related to fitting in and making new friends are typical during this time.
Solution: Talk with the student about getting involved in an activity or organization that interests them.This is the easiest way to meet people that your student will connect with. Additionally, encourage your student to think about the qualities that they would like in a friend. Encourage the student to attend on-campus events, Bee Involved, and Bee Engaged. If your student continues to have issues, suggest that they connect with the Student Assistance Program.

Issue: Students that are unsure of their major or career path may experience some anxiety about classes beginning.
Solution: Suggest that the student talk with an academic adviser and/or contact the Career and Internship Center to take an interest assessment. Often times, freshmen students can take a few basic classes while trying to figure out what path they want to go in. Remember, changing a major will hopefully ensure that your student is happy in their upcoming career.


At this time in the semester, students may become overwhelmed with trying to balance their studies and social commitments. Additionally, assignments and tests are coming up.
Solution: Suggest that the student purchase a planner from the bookstore to keep assignments and activities organized. Encourage them to assign time to the most important things first, so they will have time for other activities.


As midterms and projects are coming up, students may become stressed about studying and retaining material.
Solution: Remind the student that the RLB Library can help if they need additional tutoring outside of the classroom. Encourage your student to check in with their professors concerning their current standing in the class and potential room for improvement.

Spring semester registration is coming up in early November and students might be unsure of the classes they should take.
Propose that the student meet with their academic adviser in the Office of Freshman Advising for more information pertaining to classes offered and possible advising holds. The Career and Internship Center might offer suggestions on possible internships or on-campus jobs related to your student’s interests or career aspirations.


Students might be experiencing financial issues or stress as they reach the end of the semester and funds are dwindling.
Encourage the student to begin searching for an on-campus job. This is also a great time to talk about budgeting money and priorities.

Stress is starting to accumulate because the semester is about to end and students may begin to worry about grades for the end of the semester.
Remind the student to begin studying early. Suggest that they talk with their professor about specific topics or concepts that they do not understand. Forming a study group with other classmates might also be a good option for your student.


Anxiety might increase as final exams and papers are due.
Encourage the student to finish the semester strong. Being organized during this time is crucial; suggest having them write down all deadlines on a calendar and set aside time to study for tests and preparing papers.


Getting back into the groove of going to class, homework, studying and student activity commitments might be difficult.
Suggest that the student create a calendar with all their upcoming dates and times of commitments, tests and assignments for the semester. Getting prepared and organized early will reduce stress later on in the semester.

After a tough first semester, students might be a little anxious or apprehensive about returning to campus and starting their classes.
Talk with the student about what worked and what didn’t work for them. Help them brainstorm possible improvements for this semester. Ask how you can help support them in their efforts.


With the winter weather and Valentine’s Day coming up, students may be feeling a little lonely.
Encourage the student to attend on-campus events, Bee Involved, and Bee Engaged. If your student continues to have issues, suggest that they connect with the Student Assistance Program.


Spring break is coming up and many students are looking for something to do during the break.
The student should consider using their r spring break to do something constructive; check out information about volunteering in Baltimore City and Beyond on Bee Engaged.  

As midterms approach, students may feel overwhelmed with commitments and class assignments.
Provide your student some motivational words and talk with them about prioritizing all of their commitments. Encourage them to balance their school work by scheduling in their study time. If they start preparing early, they can use their social commitments as breaks.


Students are preparing to register for the fall semester and some uncertainty may arise concerning majors, course loads or career paths.
Discuss registering for classes with your student. Encourage them to seek advice from the Office of First-Year Experience, a professor or a staff member or the Career and Internship Center. Suggest that they consider shadowing someone on their ideal job. Help them think about all their commitments (work, school, church, social, student involvement, etc.) when registering for classes to achieve the right number of hours for them.

As the school year is coming to an end, students are probably thinking about their plans for the summer.
Talk with the student about their plans—are they looking to take summer classes, study abroad, pursue an internship, work, etc.? Discuss all the options and consider what is best for your student and your family.


By this time in their second semester, students may think that final exams are no big deal. However, waiting until the last minute can cause issues and with summer break a few weeks away, it might be difficult for them to focus.
Talk to the student about studying early and being prepared for their last few weeks of school. Remind them that summer starts after finals are over.
For second year students, emphasis is placed on picking a major or career goal and students can easily feel stressed if they are still unsure. Make sure that your student knows that they have options and that there are resources especially for them. Encourage them to get involved to find out about their interests.


Feelings of confusion and uncertainty may arise at the start of sophomore year. Students may not be sure about whether they want to be in college.
Encourage your student to talk with their academic adviser about why they are here and what their plan is to graduate. Help your student make attainable goals and objectives for their second year.

Undeclared students may have feelings of anxiety because they are not sure of what major to choose. They may also be uncertain if their major chosen is the right choice.
Encourage your student to talk with an academic adviser and/or contact the Career and Internship Center to take an interest assessment. Students should also consider joining the UBalt Connects Mentorship program to receive one to one mentoring, career advice and support as they make critical curricular and co-curricular choices which will inform their futures.

Less attention is focused on second year students about expectations and how things work.
Remind the student that they can ask the faculty/staff questions about things they are uncertain about.


Making connections with the campus community may not as easy as it was during freshmen year because it may appear that there aren’t many programs aimed at sophomores.
Check out the Rosenberg Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion to find ways for students to get involved. Students should also take advantage of campus events advertised on the UBalt Calendar and UBalt Today, an email sent each weekday to students.

Stress and being overwhelmed may be starting to take students on an emotional roller coaster.
Students can take care of their emotional well-being by accessing the Student Assistance Program.

Students may be overwhelmed with trying to keep things prioritized and remembering class assignments and events. You may also notice increased procrastination.
Student may purchase a planner from the bookstore to keep assignments and activities organized. Students can also visit the RLB Library to visit with an academic coach who can assist with skills such as time


Students begin to face anxiety over midterms and projects due at the halfway point of the semester.
Students should contact the RLB Library for tutoring. Your student can also set up meetings with professors to discuss their success in the class.


Students begin to face economic anxiety as funds begin to run out.
Solution: Students are encouraged to search for on-campus job opportunities and create a budget.

Stress is starting to accumulate because the semester is about to end. Students tend to worry about grades for the end of the semester.
Recommend that your student meet with their professors to talk about their progress. Students should start studying for finals early.

Students begin registration for spring classes and may have feelings of uncertainty about their major and what classes are needed.
Encourage the student to meet with their academic adviser.


Anxiety and fear increase as final exams approach and papers are due.
Students should write down all deadlines on a calendar and set aside time to study for tests and prepare papers. Students can also visit the RLB Library to visit with an academic coach who can assist with skills such as time


After winter break, students may have trouble getting back into the groove of going to class, doing homework, studying and participating co-curricular commitments.
Students should create a new calendar with all the new dates and times of commitments, tests and assignments for the semester.


Thoughts of not having anything in common with friends made during the first year of college.
Students can look into ways to meet different people. They should check out involvement opportunities and service projects put on by the Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion and Diversity and International Services.

It is common for students to have anxiety about career interest/internship.
Students can visit the Career and Internship Center to receive help with resume building and for career/internship information.

Students are often interested in studying abroad but not sure how to go about it.
Students can visit their school or college advising office to talk about possible options.

Students may have anxiety about funding for next school term.
Students should look for information about scholarships/grants. Students are also encouraged to consult with a financial aid counselor in the Office of Financial Aid.


Spring break is approaching and no plans have been made.
The student should consider using their r spring break to do something constructive; check out information about volunteering in Baltimore City and Beyond on Bee Engaged

Students are planning to go on an unsupervised spring break trip.
Encourage your student to be responsible. Students should discuss the logistics of trips with other attendees (finances, travel, etc.).


Midterms are approaching and procrastination has increased due to spring break.
Encourage your student to keep track of test dates. Students can also visit the RLB Library.

Registration for fall classes begins and students aren't sure of their academic plans.
Students should meet with their academic adviser.

Social events add to procrastination and lack of focus.
Encourage the student to remember their priorities.


Issue: As the school year is coming to an end, students are probably thinking about their plans for the summer.
Solution: If the student is considering taking summer classes, they should talk with their academic adviser. Your student may also visit the Career and Internship Center for assistance with finding a summer internship.
At the beginning of the third year, the end is in sight! Your student might be getting antsy for graduation or might be a little scared about the upcoming job search. This is a great time for students to focus on their soon to be profession. Suggest that they find a part-time job, internship or community involvement opportunity that will instill in them key skills for after graduation. This will not only help prepare them, but also keep them engaged in their studies.

Fall Semester

As students reach the halfway point of college, they are worried about taking the correct classes in order to graduate.
Solution: Suggest that the student meet with their academic adviser to discuss their graduation plan. Students are encouraged to establish a relationship with a faculty mentor.

Issue: Students may wish to enhance their leadership skills.
Solution: Encourage your student to participate in on-campus activities. Students can become involved in student organizations through the Rosenberg Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion. Encourage your student to take on a leadership position (officer position, committee chairperson, etc.) and to seek out volunteer opportunities.

Issue: At this point in their college career, students may experiences feelings of being lost, not knowing what their calling is or what they really want to do in life.
Solution: Talk with the student and help them reflect on who they are and who they want to be; help them consider what their values are and what they are passionate about.

Issue: Involvement overload is interfering with school work and social life.
Solution: Remind the student to find a balance between activities, school and down time, while always taking their priorities into consideration.

Issue: Students may be contemplating study abroad.
Solution: Students should visit their school/college advising office for assistance with finding a study abroad opportunity and/or researching grant and scholarship opportunities to fund the trip.

Issue: Students need to start a job/internship search.
Solution: Suggest that the student visit the Career and Internship Center to make an appointment with a career coach. Students should create or update their resume, attend seminars to sharpen interview skills and set up mock interviews.

Spring Semester

Students may be contemplating graduate/professional school.
Solution: Students should research schools within their program of interest. Remind your student to make note of the school’s requirements and to look into the deadlines and costs of taking practice tests for graduate entrance exams.

Issue: Students need an internship or job for the summer.
Solution: Encourage the student to attend job career fairs and to visit the Career and Internship Center website to view employers with jobs and/or internships available.

Issue: Spring break is approaching and no plans have been made.
The student should consider using their r spring break to do something constructive; check out information about volunteering in Baltimore City and beyond on Bee Engaged

Issue: Students may have anxiety about final exams/papers/projects.
Solution: Suggest that the student meet with professors and/or seek tutoring from the RLB Library for tutoring within their discipline.
Graduation is a big part of the fourth (and fifth) year of college. Senioritis will begin to set in and finishing might become difficult. Encourage your student to stay focused and pay close attention to their graduation requirements and deadlines. For some students, it may be helpful to meet with their adviser to make sure everything is in order. It is also smart for your student to seek career advice from the Career and Internship Center.

Fall Semester

Anxiety about meeting graduation requirements is common.
Suggest that the student see their academic adviser to make sure they are on track for graduation. They may also wish to talk to a faculty member about post-graduation plans (job, graduate school, etc.).

Applying for graduation is necessary to make graduation official.
Remind the student to look out for information about graduation requirements and registration through their email. Your student can also learn more about commencement at

Students may not know what to do after graduation.
Encourage your student to make a plan for what they want to do, whether it is get a job or attend graduate school, and make note of the steps that they need to take in order to accomplish their goals.

Students may be uncertain about attending a professional or graduate school and the requirements for applying.
Encourage the student to research programs and schools of interest. Remind them to pay close attention to requirements for the program and institution (GPA, entrance exams, co-curricular activities, etc.). Students should begin studying for entrance exams to be taken during the fall semester. Students are encouraged to visit the RLB Library or the Career and Internship Center for assistance with writing personal statements.

Issue: Setbacks may happen as a student looks for a job.
Solution: Suggest that the student attend job fairs and visit the Career and Internship Center for more information on current openings. Students may also set up a mock interview to sharpen their interview skills. Remind your student to clean up their resume and cover letter. Students should ask faculty members/past employers to serve as references.

Issue: “Senioritis,” or lack of motivation, may set in.
Solution: Encourage the student to stay focused! Remind them to remember what it is that they are about to accomplish and to stay motivated. Help your student remember their priorities.

Spring Semester

Anxiety about leaving college is common, as is uncertainty about being out in the “real world.”
Solution: Suggest that the student speak with a friend who may be facing the same anxiety or to seek services from the Student Assistance Program.

Issue: Students may worry about staying in contact with friends and faculty/staff from college.
Solution: Suggest that the student make sure they get current contact information from everyone they want to stay in contact with.

Issue: Students may want to make a financial plan for post-graduation.
Solution: Encourage the student to make a budget for all of their expenses. Students should also check on deferment guidelines for student loans and make sure all expenses owed to the University have been paid.

Issue: The desire to celebrate senior year is common.
Solution: Remind the student to prioritize and make sure they still have time for studying and school work.

Issue: It’s senior year.
Solution: Tell the student to enjoy it!
Transferring to a new school has very unique issues associated with it. Sometimes, fitting in is a problem for transfer students because they are coming in a year or two later than their other classmates. Encourage the student to seek out organizations and activities that interest them. The Rosenberg Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion has many ways for students to be engaged and involved while at the University of Baltimore, regardless of their year.


When a student transfers to a new school, they'll need to get familiar with their new environment.
Solution: All students should attend orientation or to get acclimated to the campus and learn about the resources that are available.

Student isuncertain about their major.
Solution: Encourage the student to speak with an academic adviser or visit the Career and Internship Center to start career exploration.

Student is unfamiliar with the community surrounding the school.
Solution: Encourage the student to become familiar with the surrounding community and what it has to offer. Suggest that they ask some people about places to hang out, shop, eat, etc.


Student is not sure how to get involved.
The student should visit the Rosenberg Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion.

Student needs a job to offset expenses.
The student can explore UBworks, a job and internship database accessed through MyUB, for available work study and on-campus positions.


Anxiety over midterms and projects due at the halfway point of the semester.
Solution: Students may contact the RLB Library for tutoring. Students are also encouraged to set up meetings with professors to discuss their success in the class.

It’s time for students to plan their schedule for the spring semester and they are not sure what to take.
Students should meet with their academic adviser.


Stress is starting to accumulate because the semester is about to end and students are worried about grades for the end of the semester.
Solution: The student can meet with their professors to talk about their progress in that professor’s class. Students should also start studying for finals early.

Stress and being overwhelmed is starting to take your student on an emotional roller coaster.
Solution: Recommend that the student take care of their emotional well-being by visiting the Student Assistance Program.


Final exams/papers are overwhelming and students are having trouble finding time to get everything done.
Solution: Encourage the student to write down all deadlines and exam dates; make a schedule for study time, exams and everything else that needs to be done. Remind them to prioritize.


Getting back into the groove of going to class, homework, studying and co-curricular commitments.
Suggest that the student create a new calendar with all the new dates and times of commitments, tests and assignments for the semester.

Issue: The student is contemplating study abroad.
The student should visit their school/college advising office for assistance with finding a study abroad opportunity and/or researching grant and scholarship opportunities to fund the trip.


Anxiety about funding for next school term.
Solution: The student may look for information about scholarships/grants.

Anxiety about career interest/internship.
Solution: Encourage the student to visit the Career and Internship Center to receive help with resume building and to find out about career/internship information.


Spring break is approaching and no plans have been made.
The student should consider using their r spring break to do something constructive; check out information about volunteering in Baltimore City and Beyond on Bee Engaged

Issue: A student is planning to go on an unsupervised spring break trip.
Encourage the student to be responsible. Students should discuss the logistics of trips with other attendees (finances, travel, etc.).

Midterms are approaching and procrastination has increased due to spring break.
Solution: Encourage the student to keep track of test dates. Students should visit the RLB Library for tutoring services.


Career/internship exploration.
Students are encouraged to visit the Career and Internship Center to start working on a resume and exploring career and internship interests.

Semester is coming to an end and students begin to lack of motivation.
Encourage the student to stay focused. Recommend that your student make note of all exam dates and final assignments. Students should begin studying for final exams early. Students are also encouraged to meet with their professors to discuss their progress in classes.


Students are unsure of summer plans.
Encourage the student to consider taking summer classes or to get a job for the summer to save money for the next year.

Anxiety and depression over leaving friends for the summer.
Recommend that the student get contact information from friends to stay in touch over the summer