At The University of Baltimore, we provide knowledge that works. Get real-world career preparation and the hands-on experience employers demand at a fraction of the cost of other universities. Pick courses that fit your schedule and create an education tailored to your vision and needs. Welcome to UBalt!

Put all your preparation to work! The sooner you begin your internship or job search, the more prepared you will be.

On this page:

An internship map of Maryland counties showing the number of student interns in each county. 71 in Baltimore City, 29 in Baltimore County, 13 in Anne Arundel County, 4 each in Howard and Prince George's Counties, 3 each in Montgomery and Harford Counties, 1 each in Carroll and Wicomico Counties, 12 in Washington D.C., 12 nationally/multinationally, and 7 in other states. 15 companies are in multiple counties.




  • Sohaila

    Major: Criminal Justice
    Internship: Sayra and Neil Meyerhoff Center for Families, Children, and the Courts
    Story: A career coach introduced me to UBworks where I learned to polish my resume, build a UBworks profile to attract potential employers, and book coaching appointments for future jobs/internship interviews. The good user interface on UBworks helped me easily connect with employers. One of the employers were Sayra and Neil Meyerhoff Center for Families, Children, and the Court program, who were hiring criminal justice and law students for Fall internship. To successfully apply for this internship, I booked an appointment with my career coach where I polished my resume, profile and prepared for the interview. Within a few weeks, I was hired to work as an intern at this program.

  • Crystal

    Major: Digital Communications
    Internship: Open Ideas Digital Marketing Company
    Story: A year ago I applied for an international internship opportunity with a company called The Intern Group. After many interviews with The Intern Group Admissions Coordinator Miriam Wolf a fellow Baltimorean, and a follow-up interview with a director of a digital marketing company Open Ideas Leonard Pera in Spain, I was hired on the spot. I served as the Marketing Associate for Open Ideas Digital Marketing Company in Madrid Spain for six weeks. This gives me the opportunity for a hands-on experience in my field, also experience with working in a new environment. The University of Baltimore Career and Internship Center has provided me with the skills and resources I needed to make this happen. The Career coaches and literature that this office has to offer help not only on the campus grounds but in the real world. 

  • Derrick Scheetz

    Major: Applied Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology
    Company: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
    Story: I discovered an internship opportunity with the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) by checking the Announcements section on UBWorks. After meeting with my career coach to discuss improving my resume, I sent my application in and soon heard back to schedule an interview. Thanks to the Career Center and my I/O Psych program, I was well equipped to discuss my skills and applicable knowledge during my interview and I was later offered a paid summer internship in Alexandria, VA. This experience allowed me to apply the skills I learned in the classroom at a real-world job environment while continuing to develop as a working professional.

  • chris profile photo

    Major: Environmental Sustainability and Human Ecology
    Company: Center for Environmental Farming System
    What did you enjoy about your internship? The people. Farming and agriculture brings a wide variety of humans together and everyone has an interesting backstory and something to teach. We were instructed by Professors with PhD’s ... right alongside former Peace Corps members, high school graduates with decades of experience in their respective fields, foreign farmers and way more people than I can list.

  • kenneth profile photo

    Major: Real Estate and Economic Development
    Company: Pyramid Realty Associates
    What was challenging about your internship? Keeping pace and learning the system was a challenge at the beginning but I got better after making a lot of my mistakes. There is so much more to learn and I would highly recommend an internship for anyone wanting to get experience in their chosen field.

On-campus Opportunities

  • A fellowship is a short or long term opportunity with an organization which focuses on the professional development and expansion of leadership within the organization and the fellow themselves. Fellowships are often times sponsored by the organization, meaning the fellow is compensated via the company. Generally, graduate and post-graduate level students seek fellowship opportunities to elevate their academic endeavors with work experience in their field.
  • An assistantship is an opportunity for graduate students to gains experience academically and professionally while working on-campus. Assistantships help pay partial tuition while working towards a graduate degree. The availability of assistantships depends on the department and their needs/funds. In order to be eligible for an assistantship students must meet the following criteria; incoming or currently enrolled as a graduate student with a minimum GPA of 3.0.
To find fellowships and assistantships search UBworks, connect with faculty, or schedule an appointment with the Internship & Recruitment Coordinator in the Career & Internship Center
Federal Work Study (FWS) provides students with the ability to work on campus via the use of financial aid.
  • The FWS award amount varies and is dependent upon a student’s financial need.
  • Departments across campus hire FWS students, including the Robert L. Bogomolny Library, the Office of Technology Services and many more.
  • Contact the Career and Internship Center or the Office of Financial Aid to check your eligibility.

Off-campus Opportunities

Search Opportunities

Schedule an appointment in UBworks to meet with our Internship and Recruitment Coordinator.
How to Schedule


  • Students with internship experience have a greater amount of job offers.
  • Students with internship experience have higher initial salary offers.
  • Roughly 50% of students who graduate from college have had an internship.
  • Hands- on Experience: Gaining real-time experiences.
  • Networking: Meet people, make lasting impressions, and leave a mark.
  • Resume Building: One piece of paper is your first step in the door.
  • References: Relationships with professionals who promote you to professionals.
  • Pursuit or Elimination: Love it or hate it, it is still experience.