At The University of Baltimore, we provide knowledge that works. Get real-world career preparation and the hands-on experience employers demand at a fraction of the cost of other universities. Pick courses that fit your schedule and create an education tailored to your vision and needs. Welcome to UBalt!

Communicate your skills in writing.

Employers may review hundreds of resumes before selecting candidates to interview. How do you stand out?

A compelling resume highlights the knowledge, skills and accomplishments you've gained that match what the employer seeks. It should be well organized and error free and typically shouldn't be longer than one or two pages.

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Need help building your resume?

Start with our resume guide or the resume builder inside UBworks. To access the resume builder:

  1. Log in to MyUB and select the UBworks icon under "Tools."
  2. Select the resources tab and then select resume builder.

Once you're ready, our career coaches can review your resume virtually or in person and help you get your job search started.

UBworks Policy Change

Starting October 25, 2016 the FIRST resume posted in UBworks must be approved by a CIC Career Coach before you can apply to jobs.  This will help ensure that you are presenting yourself professionally and with an eye towards succeeding in your job search now, and into the future. 

Career coach will review the resumes within 3-4 business days of being uploaded to UBworks.  If your resume is approved, you will be able to begin applying to jobs in UBworks.  If your resume is not approved, you will be sent feedback to help improve your document.  Once you have addressed the areas of concern you can reload your resume.  In some cases, you may be asked to meet with a Career Coach to discuss the necessary edits before applying to jobs in UBworks.