Members of the University of Baltimore community receive computer accounts for various services. OTS manages accounts that provide access to Workday/MyUBalt, e-mail and network services, and computer lab printing. Other departments may provide accounts specific to the services they offer. If you have a question about accounts other than those provided by OTS, please contact that specific office or department.
Contact the OTS Call Center for additional assistance.
Students, faculty, and staff receive a computer account, called a netID, to access most technology resources on campus. See the information below to find out when you get your account and what you access with it.
Soon after you submit an application to UBalt, you will be sent an e-mail with instructions to obtain a netID and create a password. With this account information, you will log on to the MyUBalt Portal to check your application status and, when applicable, accept your admission and register for classes.
An e-mail is sent to you with instructions for obtaining your netID. Once you have your netID, you will then set a password. If you did not receive a letter, go to to look up your netID and reset the password.
After you matriculate, your netID is used to access network services, including:
An e-mail is sent to you with instructions for obtaining your netID. Once you have your netID, you will then set a password. If you did not receive a letter, go to to look up your netID and reset the password.
Any one requesting an e-mail address change must first officially change their name by contacting the Office of Records and Registration.
Whether you graduate from UBalt or leave without a diploma, you have access to the MyUBalt Portal for four semesters after your last date of enrollment. Network services access (e-mail, labs, etc.) is also maintained for two semesters after your last date of enrollment. Visit the Student Account Expiration and Deletion standards for more details. (Note: Certain library privileges, including research database access, expire before two semesters after your last date of enrollment.)
Former students who attended UBalt prior to Fall 2003 did not have MyUB accounts and, therefore, will not have access to MyUBalt. You can request transcripts and other student records through the Office of Records and Registration.
A netID is created for employees of UBalt during the hiring process. Services are available during the time of employment. Once an employee leaves UBalt, all computer access is terminated. Exceptions may be requested only by the employee’s dean or administrative department head.
Use your netID to access:
Note: Staff and faculty account profiles are not configured to allow full use of computer labs, namely access to the printers. You are encouraged to use departmental printers. If access to computer lab printers is required, please contact the OTS Call Center for details. Changing your account to print in the labs may take 2-5 business days.
A letter is sent to your department soon after the hiring process is completed. This may occur after your first day on campus but in most cases it will happen sooner. The letter shows your netID and e-mail address. Before using the password, you need to visit to create a password.
Usernames (netIDs) are 6-8 characters long. New accounts start with the letters "ID" and are followed by 6 characters. Formats used in the past include UBalt##X##, UBTU##XX##, and NTXXXXXX. Usernames cannot be changed and remain the same regardless of your affiliation with UBalt. E-mail addresses can be changed if you have changed your legal name.
Any one requesting an e-mail address change must first officially change their name by contacting the Office of Human Resources.
The following services are accessed using your netID and password. An overview of each service is listed.
All UBalt students, faculty, and staff receive a UBalt e-mail/Office 365 account. You are encouraged to monitor your account regularly for important announcements. E-mail can be accessed through the MyUBalt Portal, using Outlook as an Exchange client on your computer or mobile device.
Network file storage space is available for students, faculty, and staff.
The wireless network, available in all academic buildings, is accessed using your netID and password. Visit the Wireless Network page for full details.
OTS supports computer labs at Angelos Law Center 910/911, and throughout Robert L. Bogomolny Library. Visit the Computer Labs for more details.