The University Archives selects, preserves, and makes accessible institutional records
of enduring administrative, fiscal, legal, and historic value to the University of
Baltimore, and provides services to support the administrative, teaching, research,
and service interests of the University.
To this end, the university archivist will:
Collection Focus
The University Archives selects, preserves, and makes accessible institutional records
of enduring administrative, fiscal, legal, and historic value to the University of
Definition of University Records
A University Record is any information regardless of physical form or characteristics,
which serves to document the organization, functions, policies, or other activities
of the University. Any record produced or received by any agency or employee of the
university in the transaction of University business becomes University property.
Selection Criteria for Collecting University Records
Only a small percentage of the documentation generated by the University has enduring
archival value and is appropriate for transfer to the Archives. The transfer of university
records is managed via transfer agreements developed by the office in question and
the university archivist. Responsibility for managing active records resides with
the office that generates or receives the records.