Outgoing Loan Policy for University of Baltimore Archives
Loans from the University of Baltimore Archives will be considered for museums, qualified
galleries, and academic institutions for temporary exhibitions. Such loans will be
considered for material from the Institutional Records program only. Original archival
material from the Baltimore Regional Studies Archives is ineligible for loan, except
to collection donors.
Application (Request Letter)
The request letter should provide the following details:
Loan requests must be made in writing at least nine months prior to the planned exhibition
opening date.
A minimum of six months is sufficient time to consider a loan application.
The title of the exhibition, the name and credentials of its curator(s), and a brief
description of its purpose and scope.
A full description of each item to be borrowed.
An indication of borrower’s willingness to conform to the conditions of the loan set
by Special Collections, and a request that Special Collections state requirements
for the safe transportation of the item.
In addition to the request letter, the borrower should prepare a brief document describing
the borrowing institution’s exhibition program and facilities. The report should include
the following details:
State full name of the institution, address, and fax and telephone numbers. Briefly
describe the nature of the institution. Indicate size of the staff and name(s) of
the staff member(s) in charge of the exhibition.
Indicate date and type of building construction, size of the exhibition space, and
its location within the building
Describe in detail the fire detection and fire extinguishing/suppression system.
Describe how items on exhibition will be properly safeguarded against theft or damage.
Indicate the range of temperature and relative humidity in the exhibition areas and
the areas for packing and storage. Describe the lighting in the exhibition area.
Describe the borrowing institution’s fine arts insurance coverage and give the name
of the insurer and broker.
Loan Agreement Form
It is the responsibility of the borrower to provide a Loan Agreement Form.
Special Collections will provide a written condition report for each item to the borrowing
institution, prior to delivery and packing of the items, and then ask the borrower
to make appropriate transportation arrangement. The borrower must pay for everything,
including the packing and shipping.