At the center of successful organizations are their people. Make your mark in business while having the knowledge on how to be successful in workplace in areas like staffing, training, compensation, and laws and regulations when you specialization in Human Resource Management.
Tuition & Fees
120-credits to earn a degree:
Are you ready to be part of the human capital strategy of your company? Effective HR practice requires a person to think holistically about an organization's current and future needs and be able to understand the administrative, legal and financial situations of the organization.
The world of work is rapidly changing and Human Resource Management professionals are on the forefront of those dynamic changes. The HR manager of today and in the future will have to incorporate much more than just understanding the legalities and processes in employment.
Here are four areas currently impacting the field of Human Resource Management (HRM):
Human resource professionals are essential to any organization where people work. Our graduates go on to work with a wide range of organizations in nearly every industry.