MBA - Leadership and Management Development

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Why This Specialization is For You

Leaders Learn Here.

In today's rapidly changing world, leaders need to be adaptable and agile, able to respond quickly to new challenges and opportunities. This requires a willingness to embrace change, experiment with new approaches, and learn from mistakes. Discover how the UBalt MBA specialization in Leadership and Management Development can transform your future.

Business and Entreprenuership

Business and Entreprenuership

Program Type

Master of Business Administration


UBalt Campus
Hagerstown Regional Higher Ed. Center
• Courses are offered on campus and online.


More About MBA Tuition & Fees
• UBalt offers "regional, in-state tuition" for select out-of-state areas.


All Degree Requirements

The MBA is 39-credits

  • 30 Core credits
  • 9 Specialization credits

No test requirements for admission.

MBA- Leadership and Management Development

This specialization focuses on the cross-functional business skills that allow you to adapt to changing circumstances and technological innovation. You’ll broaden your perspective on leadership, management and professional development with an emphasis on theory, essential skills, and organizational transformation.

Your coursework will focus on core concepts of leadership and management, including but not limited to, leadership, global leadership, human resource management, and organizational behavior topics.

The MBA for Working Professionals.

Earn your MBA in as few as 18 months or work at your own pace.

We recognize the importance of work-life-education balance, so we offer flexible learning options for working professionals. Our on-campus business classes begin at 6 p.m., with some offered in a hybrid format (combining in-person and online learning) and all of our online classes are available asynchronously. You also have the choice to take a part-or full-time course load—and you can change your mind every semester.

Learn more about the Admission process.

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Dr. Kevin Wynne
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Kevin Wynne is an associate professor of management in The University of Baltimore's Merrick School of Business. He teaches courses on organizational behavior, leadership and human relations, and how the future of business, including the growth of AI, will change how we work. He focuses his research on workplace phenomena, including employee well-being and work-life balance.

In Their Words.

Contemplate these quotes from leadership experts when considering your professional growth as a leader.

 "The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority." | Ken Blanchard is a highly respected figure in the fields of leadership and business and a well-known author.

"Creating positive change is the best way to test whether a person can lead well…and everyone deserves to be led well." | John Maxwell has spent 40 years inspiring and challenging people from numerous Fortune 500 companies, national trade associations, nonprofits, and educational institutions to grow, change, and find their passion.

"The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership. That's nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born." | Warren Bennis is one of the world's leading experts on leadership. A lecturer, consultant, and writer, Professor Bennis has been an advisor to four U.S. presidents, including John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.

"Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others." | Jack Welch was CEO of General Electic for 20 years. In his book titled "Winning, Jack and The GE Way Fieldbook,"  Welch identified three prerequisites any potential leader must possess: integrity, intelligence, and maturity.

"To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart." | Eleanor Roosevelt was First Lady of the United States and an activist.

What Our Graduates Do

Throughout the program, you’ll make connections with artists in your desired industry. Our graduates go onto work in some of these high-visibility fields throughout the arts industry.

Common Roles

  • Management Consultant
  • Vice President of Human Resources
  • Operations Manager
  • Training and Development Manager
  • Business Development Manager
  • Chief Operating Officer

Admission Information

Your application will be accepted on a rolling basis but you can use these dates as a guide.

  • Fall: Aug. 15
  • Spring: Jan. 1
  • Summer: May 1

Admission will be offered depending on availability of space, strength of your credentials and sufficiency of time for processing.

Questions? Contact an admission counselor at 410.837.4777 or

 Let us know when you are ready to earn your MBA degree by applying to the program. Our online application will only take you a few minutes to complete. Before you submit the application, you’ll be asked to use your credit card or bank account to pay the $50 application fee.

Insider tips:
The earlier you apply and submit a completed application, the faster you’ll receive an admission decision. Each one of your supporting admission documents may be sent individually. Your admission portal will keep track of what the UBalt Admission team has received.

When you attend an information session or discuss your application with an Admission counselor or Merrick School of Business representative be sure to get your application fee waiver code and save yourself $50.

A bachelor’s degree in any field is required for admittance into the UBalt MBA program. This program is open to students without an accounting undergraduate degree as well as those who have earned an accounting-focused bachelor’s degree. The undergraduate GPA for admitted students typically ranges from 2.9 to 4.0.

Historically, admitted MBA students have average cumulative GPA's of 3.2 and come from a variety of academic majors, with the majority having some sort of prior accounting education.

The University of Baltimore has several scholarships that may be available for those students who have submitted competitive GPA documentation.

A key factor for all applicants is the undergraduate GPA, although graduate coursework will be taken into account. Request your official transcripts as soon as possible, as they can take time to print, prepare and mail. The Office of Admission requires original transcripts from all universities you’ve attended. It’s easiest to have the institution send your transcript directly to us.

If you are mailing an institution’s transcript, do not break the seal upon receipt. If you attended a non-U.S. institution, you must provide the official transcript and a transcript evaluation with a course-by-course analysis conducted by a transcript evaluation service such as World Education Services. 

Send your resume to our team via email. By submitting your resume you are signaling that you are a polished professional. That’s great because our students are professionals who are looking to enhance or change their careers. The diversity of your overall work experience is important to us.  

The Admissions Committee holistically considers your transcripts, work experience, personal statement and professional recommendation in the evaluation process.

Your personal statement is important, so take your time writing it. Please submit it to

Clearly tell the admissions committee more about your background and your interests. Share the reasons why you are interested in pursuing a University of Baltimore MBA.

Include your thoughts about how the program will assist you in achieving your academic and professional development goals. Make sure your essay is well written and exhibits a high level of academic and professional competency. Again, don’t forget to proofread for grammatical and spelling errors. 

One recommendation letter is required for candidates with a GPA less than 3.0.  It should come from someone with the ability to evaluate your academic aptitude and/or professional experience, such as a professor, supervisor, project partner, or mentor.

Candidates with a GPA above 3.0 are not required to submit a letter of recommendation but it is welcomed.

Examples should include details of your work history, thoughts on your competence as an employee, an explanation of why they think you’d be a successful MBA candidate, description of your academic ability, etc.

Ask the writers to put their letters of recommendation in sealed envelopes with their signatures on the back flap. Give those individuals who are writing your letters of recommendation at least two weeks—but preferably a month—to complete the task. This allows them to take their time and communicate their thoughts and recommendations of the likelihood that you will succeed in the program.

University of Baltimore
Office of Graduate Admission
1420 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

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About UBalt



Faculty Profile Image

Kevin Wynne, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
See Faculty Profile

William Carter, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Isiah Brown


Kalyan Singhal, D.B.A.


Kalyan Singhal, D.B.A.


Lisa Stickney, Ph.D.
