At The University of Baltimore, we provide knowledge that works. Get real-world career
preparation and the hands-on experience employers demand at a fraction of the cost
of other universities. Pick courses that fit your schedule and create an education
tailored to your vision and needs. Welcome to UBalt!
Refer a Code of Conduct or Academic Integrity Concern
If you believe there has been a violation of the university's Academic Integrity Policy
or Code of Conduct, please let us know by completing the referral form. This will
allow us to work with you to ensure concerns are addressed appropriately and in compliance
with university policy.
Student Conduct Process
Through the Student Conduct Process the Office of Student Support (OSS) promotes a
safe, supportive, inclusive and positive university environment. The administrative
process emphasizes fairness, equity, integrity, and respect for all. OSS seeks to
inform all community members about their rights and responsibilities related to campus
policies, and provide the opportunity for active participation.
The adjudication process for student conduct (academic integrity, student code of
conduct,) is designed to foster dialogue, informed decision-making, accountability,
and meaningful connection between students, faculty and staff.
The main objective of the Student Conduct Process is to reinforce student success
Treating all community members with respect and acknowledging all facets of their
Providing opportunities to discuss and develop a thorough understanding of personal
values and decision-making in relation to community expectations.
Developing and advocating for policies and procedures that are rooted in fairness
and equity.
Engaging UBalt community members as active participants in the promotion of social
responsibility and community support.
Committing to continual improvement through assessment and evaluation.
Promotes student conduct expectations and working in conjunction with UBalt community
members to develop student policies that promote a positive learning environment.
Provide information about university conduct expectations, the adjudication process
and the policies and procedures outlined on The University of Baltimore Student Handbook webpage. Facilitates a group of UBalt students, faculty, and staff who serve as ambassadors
for the Community Standards program and adjudicate student policy violations.
Investigates complaints brought against students for potential violations of the university's
Sex Discrimination Policy.