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CFCC provides trainings and professional development activities for attorneys, law students, judges, court professionals, service providers and academics. We can tailor trainings to the specific needs of groups and organizations. We also offer professional development programs in collaboration with national and international organizations, such as the American Bar Association, the National Center for State Courts and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. We have worked with a range of Maryland community partners, including the Administrative Office of the Courts, Open Society Institute-Baltimore, National Family Resiliency Center, Maryland Department of Human Resources and the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention.

Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) Trainings

Each December, in collaboration with the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC), CFCC hosts two, two-day workshops for professionals who work with families and children. For information on how to register for upcoming AFCC trainings, visit News & Events or the AFCC’s website. Past workshops, led by nationally recognized practitioners, have focused on issues ranging from parenting coordination and child custody to the impact of substance use disorders on families.

Truancy Court Program Technical Assistance and Trainings

CFCC’s Truancy Court Program Team offer technical assistance with the implementation and operation of a Truancy Court Program and building effective mentoring programs. Learn more.