Financial Aid Forms


Use the Secure Upload link below to securely submit required documents to the Office of Financial Aid:


Upload Document


All required documents on your "To Do List" must be submitted. Go to the "My Student Center" section on your MyUBalt portal to review your list.


Verification requires students (and parents, if the student is a dependent) to indicate the value of all assets as of the date the student completed the FAFSA. If asset information was left blank on the FAFSA but was required because the student did not qualify for simplified needs analysis, an asset information form will need to be completed.

2025-2026 Asset Form 


***Please submit only clear copies of documentation to the Office of Financial Aid; any unclear or unreadable copies will be returned***

All schools which provide students with federal student aid are required to have a budget (cost of attendance). Students may receive aid up to their budget. In rare cases, student may submit the form below to have their budget increased. Only one budget increase request is permitted per academic year.

Having a budget increased does not necessarily mean the student will have additional financial aid offered. This form simply allows for the budget to be increased to allow for additional aid to be posted to their account whether it is federal, state, institutional, or private. Incomplete forms will not be reviewed.

Budget Increase Request Form

***Please submit only clear copies of documentation to the Office of Financial Aid; any unclear or unreadable copies will be returned***


If the U.S. Department of Education was unable to verify your U.S. Citizenship or eligible non-citizenship status at the time your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) was processed, your financial aid eligibility cannot be determined until your citizenship status has been confirmed. In order to process your financial aid file, you will need to submit the Citizenship Verification Form with original documentation to the Office of Financial Aid:

2025-2026 Citizenship Verification Form


If you are unable to appear in person at the Office of Financial Aid the following affidavit form should be completed in the presence of a notary and submitted via the Financial Aid Secure Upload. If the Office of Financial Aid believes the document to be altered or changed they have the right to reject the document submission.

2024-2025 Citizenship Affidavit



If the U.S. Department of Education was unable to verify your U.S. Citizenship or eligible non-citizenship status at the time your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) was processed, your financial aid eligibility cannot be determined until your citizenship status has been confirmed. In order to process your financial aid file, you will need to submit the Citizenship Verification Form with original documentation to the Office of Financial Aid:

2024-2025 Citizenship Verification Form

If you are unable to appear in person at the Office of Financial Aid the following affidavit form should be completed in the presence of a notary and submitted via the Financial Aid Secure Upload. If the Office of Financial Aid believes the document to be altered or changed they have the right to reject the document submission.

2024-2025 Citizenship Affidavit



The consortium agreement allows students who are enrolled at least half-time (six credits) at UBalt to take a class at another institution. If you have financial aid, such as a Pell Grant, state grants, or a scholarship that are dependent upon full-time enrollment, completing a consortia agreement between UBalt and your host school is the answer to having those credits count towards your financial aid enrollment. Start by contacting your Academic Advisor to make sure the course can be transferred back to UBalt and count towards your degree. Because this option requires you to be enrolled half-time at UBalt, it is not necessary to receive federal student loans, you already qualify! The deadline to submit the Consortium Agreement is the Census Date of every semester. 

2024-2025 Consortium Agreement

Inter-institutional enrollment: If you will be enrolling in a class or classes at another University System of Maryland school, the inter-institutional enrollment application may allow you to enroll in classes and have the registration and bill processed through UBalt. Check with your academic advisor to see if this is the option for you. With this option your inter-institutional registration will count towards your loan enrollment requirement for your student loans.


***Please submit only clear copies of documentation to the Office of Financial Aid; any unclear or unreadable copies will be returned***

The federal government believes that students and their parents have the primary responsibility to pay for education. However, the government recognizes exceptions to this rule. Students may appeal this ruling based on extreme circumstances. According to the government, an independent student is someone who is/was any one of the following general requirements:

  • Be 24 years of age or older by December 31 of the award year;
  • Be an orphan (both parents deceased), ward of the court, in foster care or was a ward of the court when 13 years or older;
  • Be a veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States or serving on active duty for other than training purposes;
  • Be a graduate or professional student;
  • Be a married individual;
  • Have legal dependents other than a spouse;
  • Be an emancipated minor or in legal guardianship;
  • Be a homeless youth

The financial aid administrator, in determining a dependency override, focuses on truly exceptional circumstances and consideration of individual cases. These practices may include making dependency overrides in situations when a student’s parent cannot be located or where an otherwise dependent student has been a victim of domestic violence and is no longer residing with his/her parents.

A dependency override can be made only to change a student’s status from dependent to independent. Financial Aid administrators cannot use professional judgment to consider a student independent solely on the basis of the student’s previous independent status or because the student is “self-supporting.”

The dependency override may not be used to make an otherwise ineligible student eligible for federal aid, or because the parents are unwilling to provide financial data or support. This request reflects the professional judgment of the Office of Financial Aid at the University of Baltimore only. You must reapply each year for consideration at UBalt or for any other institution to which you may attend.

Students who wish to apply for a Dependency Override must submit the following documentation:


2024-2025 Dependency Appeal Form

2024-2025 Dependency Appeal Renewal Form



***Please submit only clear copies of documentation to the Office of Financial Aid; any unclear or unreadable copies will be returned***

  • Effective for the 2024-2025 academic year, the FAFSA is no longer providing institutions with the projected housing status, which impacts financial aid offers for the year. As a result, the University will project student’s housing status as listed below and provide a form where students can update us with their housing plans after they receive their offer. To change housing status to off-campus, please complete the Housing Status Update Form.
  • Use the Secure Upload link below to securely submit required documents to the Office of Financial Aid:




    APD students: off-campus

    LAW students: off-campus

    Graduate students: off-campus

    Undergraduate students:

    • Dependent students-with parents
    • Undergraduate students-off-campus


Using reasonable judgement with direction from the Department of Education, students may be required to complete a 2023–2024 Income Verification Form and provide additional documentation when their household income for 2021 is considered unusually low.

This form is designed to explain your circumstances surrounding unusually low income. Only complete and submit this form if you see "2023–2024 Income Verification Form" on your To Do List in your MyUB Portal.

The following Income Verification Form is to be used for the fall 2023, spring 2024, and summer 2024 semesters.

2023-2024 Income Verification Form (PDF Version)

DocuSign Links (recommended). Requires sign-in using UBalt credentials:

2023-2024 Dependent Income Verification Form2023-2024 Independent Income Verification Form

When the Department of Education processed your FAFSA, you selected that you were independent based on one of the following reasons listed below:

  • Be an orphan (both parents deceased), ward of the court, in foster care or was a ward of the court when 13 years or older;
  • Have legal dependents or children that you provide more then 50% of their support;
  • Be an emancipated minor or in legal guardianship;
  • Be a homeless youth;

In order to process your financial aid file you will need to submit the Independent Documentation Form:

2024-2025 Independent Documentation Form

***Please submit only clear copies of documentation to the Office of Financial Aid; any unclear or unreadable copies will be returned***

Completed by the Office of Financial Aid upon request, this form can be used by a student to confirm with potential landlord or property management firms expected financial aid fund availability.

Students must accept their aid and have completed steps 1 through 3 of the "4 Steps to Financial Aid" in their MyUBalt portal, including any Master Promissory Notes, Entrance Counseling, and, in the case of Graduate Plus or Parent Plus loans, have been credit approved by Direct Loans.

Please fill out the top of the form, including your name and student ID (found on the far left of your MyUB as well as on your Bee card). Bring or fax the form to the Office of Financial Aid, and we will complete the form and return it.

2024-2025 Landlord Form

***Please submit only clear copies of documentation to the Office of Financial Aid;any unclear or unreadable copies will be returned***

As a recipient of MHEC decentralized programs award you are required to give written consent that you will remain drug free for the aid year of the award.

2023-2024 MHEC Drug Pledge Form

***Please submit only clear copies of documentation to the Office of Financial Aid; any unclear or unreadable copies will be returned***

The SAP appeal process is now online. If you have been asked to complete an SAP appeal, it is located under the Financial Aid Forms section in MyUBalt.

Remember that SAP is calculated at the end of each semester throughout your educational career. To have continued eligibility for State, Federal, and Institutional financial aid you must meet the requirements described in the SAP Policy.

The Special Conditions Form can be used if you or your family has experienced an unusual circumstance that may affect your ability to pay for your education at the University of Baltimore. Before the office can take your circumstance into consideration, you must have filed the Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) for the aid year you are applying for the special conditions. The reduction must result from one of the special conditions listed below occurring between January 1 and December 31 of the applicable year.

This form is designed to adjust the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) which determines what portion of aid can be need based. Submitting this form does not necessarily mean additional aid will be awarded. This form does not increase the amount of the student budget.

2024-2025 Special Conditions Form

***Please submit only clear copies of documentation to the Office of Financial Aid; any unclear or unreadable copies will be returned***



If a student's 2024-2025 financial aid application has been selected for review in a process called “Verification,” the University of Baltimore Office of Financial Aid is required by law to confirm their identity. This form must have a hand-signed signature, not a digital signature.

2024–2025 Statement of Educational Purpose and Certification of Identity

***The student will need to appear IN PERSON at the University of Baltimore's Office of Financial Aid, located in the Academic Center, Room 126. If unable to appear in person the student may appear in front of notary and have them complete the Notary Certificate of Acknowledgment section of the form. This form must have a hand-signed signature, not a digital signature.***




The US Department of Education has determined that you have unusual enrollment history and have received the Federal Pell Grant or Direct Loans at three or more institutions during a review period of 2020–2021, 2021–2022, 2022–2023, and 2023-2024.

Those selected for Unusual Enrollment History must complete the process before financial aid can be awarded and applied to your account balance. All selected students must submit the Unusual Enrollment History Form.

2024-2025 Unusual Enrollment History Form


***Please submit only clear copies of documentation to the Office of Financial Aid; any unclear or unreadable copies will be returned*** 


Those selected for verification must complete the process before financial aid can be awarded and applied to your account balance. All selected students must, at a minimum, submit the Verification Worksheet.


Students who did not import their 2022 federal tax return information into their FAFSA directly from the IRS will be required to submit signed 2022 tax returns or a Tax Return Transcript which is only obtained directly through the IRS. If you're not sure if you need to submit a Tax Return Transcript, see your To Do List in your MyUBalt portal.

The following Verification Worksheet is to be used for the fall 2024, spring 2025, and summer 2025 semesters.

 2024-2025 Verification Worksheet (PDF Version)

***Please submit only clear copies of documentation to the Office of Financial Aid; any unclear or unreadable copies will be returned***



Have Questions?

UBalt LAP building

Office of Financial Aid

Schedule Appointment

Office Hours:

  • Virtual (phone, video, and email) 
    Monday - Thursday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
    Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

  • Walk-In Hours (on-campus)
    Monday - Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm
    By appointment only: Monday - Thursday 5:00pm - 6:00pm



Welcome Center
Office of Financial Aid
101 West Mount Royal Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21201


Submit Financial Aid Inquiry