This is important information regarding your financial aid offer for the 2024-2025 academic year. Please read the following information carefully before accepting your financial aid award offer. By accepting the financial aid award offer, you are indicating that you have read and agreed to comply with all the terms and conditions listed below.
Financial aid award notifications are delivered via email after a student has been admitted to The University of Baltimore and we have received a valid FAFSA with all required supporting documents.
Here is a list of requirements to remain eligible for your financial aid award offer:
Please follow the step-by-step instructions below to access your award offer and to accept, reduce or decline all or a portion of the financial aid offered to you:
View Your Financial Award:
You must abide by the terms and conditions of each financial aid program that has been awarded and which you have accepted.
Loans are a major source of funding for many students. However, it is important to keep in mind that every dollar you borrow must be repaid with interest. You must repay your loan, even if you do not complete the education paid for with the loan or are unable to obtain employment in your field of study.
Before accepting a loan award offered to you, be sure to calculate how much you will need to pay for your educational expenses.
If you have been awarded a Federal Direct Loan, such as a Subsidized, Unsubsidized, or a PLUS loan, you must meet the following additional requirements for your loan funds to be credited to your student account:
If you are applying for a Direct PLUS as a graduate/professional student or a parent borrower, you will be required to complete and sign a PLUS MPN that is separate from the one used for Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans. Parents must sign an MPN for each child for whom they are borrowing.
Aggregate Loan Limits:
Aggregate loan limits include annual limits and lifetime aggregate limits. Refer to the Annual Direct Loan Limits Chart to view these limits.
Private Loans:
Private loans may be an option for students who need to borrow additional funds up to the cost of attendance. Loan approval is based on your credit rating. You may receive more information or apply for a Private Loan by contacting the lender of your choice. The Office of Financial Aid recommends exploring federal aid options before applying for a private loan. As a general rule, federal student loans offer students more favorable conditions than private loans.
If you or your family encounter unusual circumstances that were not originally reported on the FAFSA (such as loss of employment, the absence or death of an immediate family member who contributed to your education, etc.), contact the Office of Financial Aid after your FAFSA has been processed and you have received your financial aid offer to discuss additional options.
Federal and state regulations limit the number of times a student may repeat a course and receive financial aid for that course.
Ineligible repeated courses will be excluded from counting in the student’s enrollment
for financial aid purposes.
• A student may receive aid when repeating a course that was previously failed (received
a failing or unsatisfactory grade), regardless of the number of times the course was
attempted and failed providing you meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
• A student may receive aid to repeat a previously passed course (grade of ‘D’ or
higher) one additional time. Once a student has completed any course twice with a
passing grade (grade of ‘D-’ or higher), he/she is no longer eligible to receive aid
for that course.
This rule applies whether or not the student received aid for earlier enrollments
in the course.
Important Note: The Office of Financial Aid does not determine if a student may repeat
a class, only whether a student may be eligible for financial aid for a repeat class.
In addition, every repeated course affects Satisfactory Academic Progress calculations;
all repeated courses are counted as attempted credit hours.
Financial aid funds cannot be credited to student accounts until student enrollment has been confirmed. Financial Aid disbursements typically occur two weeks after the add/drop period. Please visit the online Financial Aid Calendar for current updates.
When financial aid and any other payments exceed tuition and other charges on your student account remaining funds will be refunded to you by either:
For additional information in signing up for direct deposit or tracking your financial aid refund check please visit the Office of the Bursar.
These Terms and Conditions are subject to change. They have been reviewed prior to
the beginning of the 2024-2025 academic year; however, changes in federal, state and
institutional regulations and policies may occur. Updates to the Terms and Conditions
will be promptly updated. If there are any major changes, students will be notified
via UBalt email.
If you need assistance, contact the Office of Financial Aid at the information below.
Phone: 410.837.4763
Fax: 410.837.5493
Office Hours:
Welcome Center
Office of Financial Aid
101 West Mount Royal Avenue
First Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201