Computers in Robert L. Bogomolny Library are primarily for use in accessing electronic
databases and Internet resources that support the learning, research and information
needs of the University of Baltimore community. It is the policy of Robert L. Bogomolny
Library to allow students, faculty, and staff use of the computers with first priority
given to those engaged in research or course-related projects. Access to computers,
e-mail, and network resources are governed by a variety of University and UBalt Office
of Technology Services policies. Use of any computer in Robert L. Bogomolny Library
implies consent to these policies and guidelines as well as any applicable state or
federal laws governing the use of the Internet. [see Information Technology Policies]
Guest Use of Networked Computers: GUEST WIRELESS USERNAME & PASSWORD
While the library welcomes guest users, priority for use of all library PCs goes to the students, staff and faculty of the University of Baltimore. In the rare event that all available computers are in use, a Robert L. Bogomolny Library staff member may ask guest users to log off in order to accommodate a UBalt user.
The following groups of patrons have guest privileges to use networked Robert L. Bogomolny Library computers and have access to subscription databases from the library:
Access is restricted to guests who are 18 years and older.
Use of Computers with Special Software
Some first-floor computers are loaded with special software (SPSS, FARS, JAWS, etc.). If a patron needs to use special software on a computer that is occupied, a Robert L. Bogomolny Library staff member may ask the user to move to another computer or redirect the displaced user to another location.
Software Installation Requests
In accordance with OTS policy for campus computer labs, lab users cannot install or copy software onto any lab computer in Robert L. Bogomolny
Library. Librarians are unable to install any software on Robert L. Bogomolny Library
lab computers. Students and faculty who need additional software available on lab
computers are encouraged to contact the OTS Call Center.
Guest Printing
Robert L. Bogomolny Library does not provide printing for guests; guests may e-mail
documents or save them on removable media (flash, floppy, CD, etc.). Guests needing
to print government documents should contact a library staff member.
Wireless Network Access
UBalt Students and Staff are recommended to use the UBALT-SECURE wifi connection. Guest wireless access is available to researchers using our Special Collections, the Reference Archivist will be able to supply the current username and password. Wireless access is also available to Library Guests, as per the guidelines for Networked Computers, above. Library Guests can obtain the current username and password from staff at the Circulation or Reference desk.
See for more information.
Headphone Use with Computers
Even with headphones volume should be at a level that does not disturb other library users. A limited number of headphones are available for checkout at the Circulation desk for UBalt students, staff, faculty and alumni only; other users needing headphones must supply their own.
Inappropriate Use of Computers
Use of the library's computers is a privilege. Inappropriate use of computers includes
anything that violates federal or state laws, university regulations or is inconsistent
with the Library's goals and functions. These laws, regulations, and policies cover
such areas (though not an exhaustive list) as illegal access to computer systems,
networks, and files, copyright, and harassment issues. Sanctions for circumventing
or violating policy may include suspension or loss of library privileges. (see Library Community Standards)
Revised October 2018