Robert L. Bogomolny Library strives to create an environment to meet the research,
study and information gathering needs of the University of Baltimore community. Some
library users expect to find quiet areas for study while others seek group study space.
Robert L. Bogomolny Library building limitations and lack of adequate study rooms
often make it difficult to find a quiet place to study. In order to meet the various
needs of library users, each of the floors has been designated as follows:
Collaborative – 1st Floor
The first floor of the library with the Reference and Circulation Desks and public
computer terminals is a high traffic area and conversational noise is to be expected.
Collaborative – 2nd Floor
In the large open area of the second floor are study tables, two group study rooms,
computer stations, and staff work areas. Conversational noise is to be expected,
but users are asked to be considerate of others.
Quiet – 2nd Floor
The second floor computer lab is considered a quiet study space when not being used
for scheduled instruction. There should be no talking, no audible electronic devices,
and no cell phone use. Occasionally, library staff may need to assist users and will
attempt to do so with minimum disturbance.
Quiet – 3rd Floor
The third floor of the library with its numerous study tables and carrels is designated
as a quiet study area. There should be no talking, no audible electronic devices,
and no cell phone use. Occasionally, library staff may need to assist users and will
attempt to do so with minimum disturbance.
All Library Areas
Headphones must be used when using any audio equipment and the volume should be at a level that does not disturb other library users.
Cell phones and pagers must be set to silent ring while in the library. Conversations on cell phones should not disturb other users. Extended cell phone conversations or those needing increased volume may take place in the stairwells of the library, one of the telephone booths on the first floor, or outside the library building.
Please be considerate of others. Users should report noise or disturbances to a staff
member who may ask the person(s) involved to move or be quieter. [See Library Community Standards]
Last updated on 3/31/2009 JH