The library has group study rooms on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors.
Study rooms are meant for groups of two or more students working on elements relevant
to coursework or UBalt's academic mission. Individuals using a group study room may
be asked to leave if a group of two or more wants to use the room and there are no
other group study rooms available.
Study rooms are meant for University of Baltimore students, staff and faculty. Groups
that include at least one University of Baltimore student, staff or faculty with a
Bee Card have priority over groups that do not.
UBalt students can make reservations through the Appointment Tool in MyUB (see lightbulb icon)
UBalt faculty and staff can ask library staff to reserve rooms for them. Group study
rooms are not for use as a regularly scheduled classroom location.
Each individual student can reserve rooms for no more than 2 hours/day.
Room reservations must be made at least one day in advance.
Unreserved study rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Rooms are self-monitoring. We will ask users to manage room occupancy and ask others
to leave if the room is reserved. In cases where there are problems, users are referred
to the Information Desk.
If someone doesn't show up for a room reservation after 15 minutes, the reservation
is forfeited.