All full-time faculty who retire from The University of Baltimore after June 1, 2010 will have the following privileges, at their option, to be exercised on an annual basis at Robert L. Bogomolny Library:

Access to Robert L. Bogomolny Library resources and services, including remote database access, interlibrary loan, and borrowing privileges following the established guidelines for regular faculty [see Langsdale Library: Everything You Need to Know for Faculty and Staff].

In order to obtain privileges at Robert L. Bogomolny Library, the retired faculty member must register with the library by completing an online form from within the myUBalt portal (see "Engaged Retired Faculty" section in center column) or by contacting the Office of Human Resources. Upon activation of the account, Circulation staff will inform the retired faculty member that her/his account is active.

All retired faculty accounts expire on June 30. Retired faculty who wish to maintain library privileges must re-register on or before June 30 of each year.

∗ The one exception to the guidelines is the borrowing timeline for retired faculty: The due date for all regular books and government documents, no matter when they are checked out, is June 30 for retired faculty. DVDs and videos can be checked out for one week; items may be renewed twice if no one has requested them. Leisure reading books have a one month loan period.

If you have any questions please email our staff: